
444 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global
config.addonManager.enable = -- TODO: need translate!
"Whether the addon manager is enabled or not."
config.runtime.version =
config.runtime.path =
使 `require`
`?/init.lua` `require 'myfile'` `{workspace}/myfile/init.lua`
`runtime.pathStrict` `false` `${workspace}/**/myfile/init.lua`
config.runtime.pathStrict =
'啟用後 `runtime.path` 將只搜尋第一層目錄,見 `runtime.path` 的説明。'
config.runtime.special =
`include` `require`
"Lua.runtime.special" : {
"include" : "require"
config.runtime.unicodeName =
"允許在名字中使用 Unicode 字元。"
config.runtime.nonstandardSymbol =
config.runtime.plugin =
config.runtime.pluginArgs = -- TODO: need translate!
"Additional arguments for the plugin."
config.runtime.fileEncoding =
"檔案編碼,選項 `ansi` 只在 `Windows` 平台下有效。"
config.runtime.builtin =
* `default`:
* `enable`:
* `disable`:
config.runtime.meta =
config.diagnostics.enable =
config.diagnostics.disable =
config.diagnostics.globals =
config.diagnostics.severity =
`!` `diagnostics.groupSeverity`
config.diagnostics.neededFileStatus =
* Opened:
* Any:
* None:
`!` `diagnostics.groupFileStatus`
config.diagnostics.groupSeverity =
`Fallback` `diagnostics.severity`
config.diagnostics.groupFileStatus =
* Opened:
* Any:
* None:
`Fallback` `diagnostics.neededFileStatus`
config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent = -- TODO: need translate!
"Set the time to trigger workspace diagnostics."
config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.OnChange = -- TODO: need translate!
"Trigger workspace diagnostics when the file is changed."
config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.OnSave = -- TODO: need translate!
"Trigger workspace diagnostics when the file is saved."
config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.None = -- TODO: need translate!
"Disable workspace diagnostics."
config.diagnostics.workspaceDelay =
config.diagnostics.workspaceRate =
config.diagnostics.libraryFiles =
"如何診斷透過 `Lua.workspace.library` 載入的檔案。"
config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Enable =
config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Opened =
config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Disable =
config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles =
config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Enable =
config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Opened =
config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Disable =
config.diagnostics.disableScheme =
'不診斷使用以下 scheme 的lua檔案。'
config.diagnostics.unusedLocalExclude = -- TODO: need translate!
'Do not diagnose `unused-local` when the variable name matches the following pattern.'
config.workspace.ignoreDir =
"忽略的檔案與目錄(使用 `.gitignore` 語法)。"
config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules =
config.workspace.useGitIgnore =
"忽略 `.gitignore` 中列舉的檔案。"
config.workspace.maxPreload =
config.workspace.preloadFileSize =
config.workspace.library =
config.workspace.checkThirdParty =
* OpenResty
* Cocos4.0
* skynet
* Jass
config.workspace.userThirdParty =
config.workspace.supportScheme =
'為以下 `scheme` 的lua檔案提供語言伺服。'
config.completion.enable =
config.completion.callSnippet =
config.completion.callSnippet.Disable =
"只顯示 `函式名`。"
config.completion.callSnippet.Both =
"顯示 `函式名` 與 `呼叫片段`。"
config.completion.callSnippet.Replace =
"只顯示 `呼叫片段`。"
config.completion.keywordSnippet =
config.completion.keywordSnippet.Disable =
"只顯示 `關鍵字`。"
config.completion.keywordSnippet.Both =
"顯示 `關鍵字` 與 `語法片段`。"
config.completion.keywordSnippet.Replace =
"只顯示 `語法片段`。"
config.completion.displayContext =
"預覽建議的相關程式碼片段,可能可以幫助你瞭解這項建議的用法。設定的數字表示程式碼片段的擷取行數,設定為 `0` 可以停用此功能。"
config.completion.workspaceWord =
config.completion.showWord =
config.completion.showWord.Enable =
config.completion.showWord.Fallback =
config.completion.showWord.Disable =
config.completion.autoRequire =
"輸入內容看起來是個檔名時,自動 `require` 此檔案。"
config.completion.showParams =
config.completion.requireSeparator =
"`require` 時使用的分隔符。"
config.completion.postfix =
config.color.mode =
config.color.mode.Semantic =
"語義著色。你可能需要同時將 `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` 設定為 `true` 才能生效。"
config.color.mode.SemanticEnhanced =
config.color.mode.Grammar =
config.semantic.enable =
"啟用語義著色。你可能需要同時將 `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` 設定為 `true` 才能生效。"
config.semantic.variable =
config.semantic.annotation =
config.semantic.keyword =
config.signatureHelp.enable =
config.hover.enable =
config.hover.viewString =
config.hover.viewStringMax =
config.hover.viewNumber =
config.hover.fieldInfer =
config.hover.previewFields =
config.hover.enumsLimit =
config.hover.expandAlias =
`---@alias myType boolean|number` 展開後顯示為 `boolean|number`,否則顯示為 `myType'。
config.develop.enable =
config.develop.debuggerPort =
config.develop.debuggerWait =
config.intelliSense.searchDepth =
config.intelliSense.fastGlobal =
'在對全域變數進行補全,及檢視 `_G` 的懸浮提示時進行最佳化。這會略微降低類型推測的準確度,但是對於大量使用全域變數的專案會有大幅的效能提升。'
config.window.statusBar =
config.window.progressBar =
config.hint.enable =
config.hint.paramType =
config.hint.setType =
config.hint.paramName =
config.hint.paramName.All =
config.hint.paramName.Literal =
config.hint.paramName.Disable =
config.hint.arrayIndex =
config.hint.arrayIndex.Enable =
config.hint.arrayIndex.Auto =
config.hint.arrayIndex.Disable =
config.hint.await =
'如果呼叫的函數被標記為了 `---@async`,則在呼叫處提示 `await`。'
config.hint.semicolon =
config.hint.semicolon.All =
config.hint.semicolon.SameLine =
config.hint.semicolon.Disable =
config.codeLens.enable = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable code lens.'
config.format.enable =
config.format.defaultConfig =
config.spell.dict =
config.nameStyle.config = -- TODO: need translate!
'Set name style config'
config.telemetry.enable =
config.misc.parameters =
config.misc.executablePath = -- TODO: need translate!
'Specify the executable path in VSCode.'
config.IntelliSense.traceLocalSet =
config.IntelliSense.traceReturn =
config.IntelliSense.traceBeSetted =
config.IntelliSense.traceFieldInject =
config.type.castNumberToInteger =
'允許將 `number` 類型賦值給 `integer` 類型。'
config.type.weakUnionCheck =
`false` `number|boolean` `number` `true`
config.type.weakNilCheck = -- TODO: need translate!
When checking the type of union type, ignore the `nil` in it.
When this setting is `false`, the `number|nil` type cannot be assigned to the `number` type. It can be with `true`.
config.doc.privateName = -- TODO: need translate!
'Treat specific field names as private, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are private, witch can only be accessed in the class where the definition is located.'
config.doc.protectedName = -- TODO: need translate!
'Treat specific field names as protected, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are protected, witch can only be accessed in the class where the definition is located and its subclasses.'
config.doc.packageName = -- TODO: need translate!
'Treat specific field names as package, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are package, witch can only be accessed in the file where the definition is located.'
config.diagnostics['unused-local'] =
config.diagnostics['unused-function'] =
config.diagnostics['undefined-global'] =
config.diagnostics['global-in-nil-env'] =
'不能使用全域變數( `_ENV` 被設定為 `nil`'
config.diagnostics['unused-label'] =
config.diagnostics['unused-vararg'] =
config.diagnostics['trailing-space'] =
config.diagnostics['redefined-local'] =
config.diagnostics['newline-call'] =
'以 `(` 開始的新行,在語法上被解析為了上一行的函式呼叫'
config.diagnostics['newfield-call'] =
config.diagnostics['redundant-parameter'] =
config.diagnostics['ambiguity-1'] =
'優先順序歧義,如: `num or 0 + 1` ,推測使用者的實際期望為 `(num or 0) + 1`'
config.diagnostics['lowercase-global'] =
config.diagnostics['undefined-env-child'] =
'`_ENV` 被設定為了新的字面常數表,但是試圖獲取的全域變數不在這張表中'
config.diagnostics['duplicate-index'] =
config.diagnostics['empty-block'] =
config.diagnostics['redundant-value'] =
config.diagnostics['assign-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for assignments in which the value\'s type does not match the type of the assigned variable.'
config.diagnostics['await-in-sync'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for calls of asynchronous functions within a synchronous function.'
config.diagnostics['cast-local-type'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for casts of local variables where the target type does not match the defined type.'
config.diagnostics['cast-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for casts where the target type does not match the initial type.'
config.diagnostics['circular-doc-class'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for two classes inheriting from each other introducing a circular relation.'
config.diagnostics['close-non-object'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for attempts to close a variable with a non-object.'
config.diagnostics['code-after-break'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for code placed after a break statement in a loop.'
config.diagnostics['codestyle-check'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for incorrectly styled lines.'
config.diagnostics['count-down-loop'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for `for` loops which will never reach their max/limit because the loop is incrementing instead of decrementing.'
config.diagnostics['deprecated'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics to highlight deprecated API.'
config.diagnostics['different-requires'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for files which are required by two different paths.'
config.diagnostics['discard-returns'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for calls of functions annotated with `---@nodiscard` where the return values are ignored.'
config.diagnostics['doc-field-no-class'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics to highlight a field annotation without a defining class annotation.'
config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-alias'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated alias annotation name.'
config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-field'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated field annotation name.'
config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-param'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated param annotation name.'
config.diagnostics['duplicate-set-field'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for setting the same field in a class more than once.'
config.diagnostics['incomplete-signature-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Incomplete @param or @return annotations for functions.'
config.diagnostics['invisible'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for accesses to fields which are invisible.'
config.diagnostics['missing-global-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Missing annotations for globals! Global functions must have a comment and annotations for all parameters and return values.'
config.diagnostics['missing-local-export-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Missing annotations for exported locals! Exported local functions must have a comment and annotations for all parameters and return values.'
config.diagnostics['missing-parameter'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the number of arguments is less than the number of annotated function parameters.'
config.diagnostics['missing-return'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for functions with return annotations which have no return statement.'
config.diagnostics['missing-return-value'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for return statements without values although the containing function declares returns.'
config.diagnostics['need-check-nil'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for variable usages if `nil` or an optional (potentially `nil`) value was assigned to the variable before.'
config.diagnostics['no-unknown'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for cases in which the type cannot be inferred.'
config.diagnostics['not-yieldable'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for calls to `coroutine.yield()` when it is not permitted.'
config.diagnostics['param-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the type of a provided parameter does not match the type of the annotated function definition.'
config.diagnostics['redundant-return'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for return statements which are not needed because the function would exit on its own.'
config.diagnostics['redundant-return-value']= -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for return statements which return an extra value which is not specified by a return annotation.'
config.diagnostics['return-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for return values whose type does not match the type declared in the corresponding return annotation.'
config.diagnostics['spell-check'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for typos in strings.'
config.diagnostics['name-style-check'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for name style.'
config.diagnostics['unbalanced-assignments']= -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics on multiple assignments if not all variables obtain a value (e.g., `local x,y = 1`).'
config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-class'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for class annotations in which an undefined class is referenced.'
config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-name'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for type annotations referencing an undefined type or alias.'
config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-param'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for cases in which a parameter annotation is given without declaring the parameter in the function definition.'
config.diagnostics['undefined-field'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for cases in which an undefined field of a variable is read.'
config.diagnostics['unknown-cast-variable'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for casts of undefined variables.'
config.diagnostics['unknown-diag-code'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics in cases in which an unknown diagnostics code is entered.'
config.diagnostics['unknown-operator'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for unknown operators.'
config.diagnostics['unreachable-code'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for unreachable code.'
config.diagnostics['global-element'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics to warn about global elements.'
config.typeFormat.config = -- TODO: need translate!
'Configures the formatting behavior while typing Lua code.'
config.typeFormat.config.auto_complete_end = -- TODO: need translate!
'Controls if `end` is automatically completed at suitable positions.'
config.typeFormat.config.auto_complete_table_sep = -- TODO: need translate!
'Controls if a separator is automatically appended at the end of a table declaration.'
config.typeFormat.config.format_line = -- TODO: need translate!
'Controls if a line is formatted at all.'
command.exportDocument = -- TODO: need translate!
'Lua: Export Document ...'
command.addon_manager.open = -- TODO: need translate!
'Lua: Open Addon Manager ...'
command.reloadFFIMeta = -- TODO: need translate!
'Lua: Reload luajit ffi meta'