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2022-04-19 04:45:01 +00:00
# vim: ft=sh
# Hardware configuration
include $HOME/.dotfiles/sway/devices
2022-04-19 04:45:01 +00:00
# Appearance
# Gtk themes
exec gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Gruvbox-Dark-BL' &
2022-08-23 20:16:06 +00:00
exec gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'Flat-Remix-Blue-Dark' &
2022-04-19 04:45:01 +00:00
# X11 Cursor theme
2022-08-23 20:16:06 +00:00
exec gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme 'Vimix-cursors' &
2022-04-19 04:45:01 +00:00
seat seat0 xcursor_theme FlatbedCursors-Blue
# Minimize borders from all windows
hide_edge_borders none
default_floating_border pixel 1
default_border pixel 1
2022-04-19 04:45:01 +00:00
# Font only visible in tabbed mode. Also inheritted by bar.
font pango:Anonymous Pro 12
# Start Waybar with IPC functionality (requires waybar>=0.9.9, wlroots>=0.15)
bar bar-1 {
swaybar_command $HOME/.dotfiles/nix/bin/waybar -c $HOME/.config/waybar/config
2022-04-19 04:45:01 +00:00
mode hide
hidden_state hide
position bottom
# gaps
2022-05-27 04:32:38 +00:00
gaps inner 10
gaps outer 0
2022-04-19 04:45:01 +00:00
# Color definitions
include $HOME/.dotfiles/sway/colorscheme
# Assign colors to elements (TODO: actually name the colors for better readability)
2022-05-27 04:32:38 +00:00
client.background $base07
2022-04-19 04:45:01 +00:00
# Property Name Border BG Text Indicator Child Border
client.focused $base05 $base0D $base00 $base0D $base0D
client.focused_inactive $base01 $base01 $base05 $base03 $base01
client.unfocused $base01 $base00 $base05 $base01 $base01
client.urgent $base02 $base08 $base00 $base08 $base02
# Feature request (https://github.com/swaywm/sway/pull/7208) does not exist as of 1.7
#client.sticky $base04 $base04 $base04 $base04 $base04
#client.sticky_inactive $base06 $base06 $base06 $base06 $base06
#client.sticky_unfocused $base07 $base07 $base07 $base07 $base07
2022-04-19 04:45:01 +00:00
client.placeholder $base00 $base00 $base05 $base00 $base00
# Bindings
# Set super key to Windows/Super key
set $mod Mod4
### Load keybindings
include $HOME/.dotfiles/sway/bindings
# Behaviour
# Allow movement of floating windows with Left Click+Drag
floating_modifier $mod
# Load special window behaviours
include $HOME/.dotfiles/sway/behaviours
# X window 'activation' should just make a window 'urgent' instead of 'focused'
focus_on_window_activation urgent
# Start-up Applications
2022-06-06 17:54:56 +00:00
# Configure XDG desktop portal
exec systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
exec dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && \
dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
exec systemctl --user start xdg-desktop-portal-wlr.service
exec systemctl --user start wallpapers.service
2022-06-06 17:54:56 +00:00
2022-04-19 04:45:01 +00:00
include $HOME/.dotfiles/sway/autostart