local type = type local next = next local error = error local tonumber = tonumber local string_char = string.char local string_byte = string.byte local string_find = string.find local string_match = string.match local string_gsub = string.gsub local string_sub = string.sub local string_format = string.format local utf8_char if _VERSION == "Lua 5.1" or _VERSION == "Lua 5.2" then local math_floor = math.floor function utf8_char(c) if c <= 0x7f then return string_char(c) elseif c <= 0x7ff then return string_char(math_floor(c / 64) + 192, c % 64 + 128) elseif c <= 0xffff then return string_char( math_floor(c / 4096) + 224, math_floor(c % 4096 / 64) + 128, c % 64 + 128 ) elseif c <= 0x10ffff then return string_char( math_floor(c / 262144) + 240, math_floor(c % 262144 / 4096) + 128, math_floor(c % 4096 / 64) + 128, c % 64 + 128 ) end error(string_format("invalid UTF-8 code '%x'", c)) end else utf8_char = utf8.char end local json = require "json" local encode_escape_map = { [ "\"" ] = "\\\"", [ "\\" ] = "\\\\", [ "/" ] = "\\/", [ "\b" ] = "\\b", [ "\f" ] = "\\f", [ "\n" ] = "\\n", [ "\r" ] = "\\r", [ "\t" ] = "\\t", } local decode_escape_set = {} local decode_escape_map = {} for k, v in next, encode_escape_map do decode_escape_map[v] = k decode_escape_set[string_byte(v, 2)] = true end local statusBuf local statusPos local statusTop local statusAry = {} local statusRef = {} local function find_line() local line = 1 local pos = 1 while true do local f, _, nl1, nl2 = string_find(statusBuf, '([\n\r])([\n\r]?)', pos) if not f then return line, statusPos - pos + 1 end local newpos = f + ((nl1 == nl2 or nl2 == '') and 1 or 2) if newpos > statusPos then return line, statusPos - pos + 1 end pos = newpos line = line + 1 end end local function decode_error(msg) error(string_format("ERROR: %s at line %d col %d", msg, find_line()), 2) end local function get_word() return string_match(statusBuf, "^[^ \t\r\n%]},]*", statusPos) end local function skip_comment(b) if b ~= 47 --[[ '/' ]] then return end local c = string_byte(statusBuf, statusPos+1) if c == 42 --[[ '*' ]] then -- block comment local pos = string_find(statusBuf, "*/", statusPos) if pos then statusPos = pos + 2 else statusPos = #statusBuf + 1 end return true elseif c == 47 --[[ '/' ]] then -- line comment local pos = string_find(statusBuf, "[\r\n]", statusPos) if pos then statusPos = pos else statusPos = #statusBuf + 1 end return true end end local function next_byte() local pos = string_find(statusBuf, "[^ \t\r\n]", statusPos) if pos then statusPos = pos local b = string_byte(statusBuf, pos) if not skip_comment(b) then return b end return next_byte() end return -1 end local function decode_unicode_surrogate(s1, s2) return utf8_char(0x10000 + (tonumber(s1, 16) - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (tonumber(s2, 16) - 0xdc00)) end local function decode_unicode_escape(s) return utf8_char(tonumber(s, 16)) end local function decode_string() local has_unicode_escape = false local has_escape = false local i = statusPos + 1 while true do i = string_find(statusBuf, '[%z\1-\31\\"]', i) if not i then decode_error "expected closing quote for string" end local x = string_byte(statusBuf, i) if x < 32 then statusPos = i decode_error "control character in string" end if x == 34 --[[ '"' ]] then local s = string_sub(statusBuf, statusPos + 1, i - 1) if has_unicode_escape then s = string_gsub(string_gsub(s , "\\u([dD][89aAbB]%x%x)\\u([dD][c-fC-F]%x%x)", decode_unicode_surrogate) , "\\u(%x%x%x%x)", decode_unicode_escape) end if has_escape then s = string_gsub(s, "\\.", decode_escape_map) end statusPos = i + 1 return s end --assert(x == 92 --[[ "\\" ]]) local nx = string_byte(statusBuf, i+1) if nx == 117 --[[ "u" ]] then if not string_match(statusBuf, "^%x%x%x%x", i+2) then statusPos = i decode_error "invalid unicode escape in string" end has_unicode_escape = true i = i + 6 else if not decode_escape_set[nx] then statusPos = i decode_error("invalid escape char '" .. (nx and string_char(nx) or "") .. "' in string") end has_escape = true i = i + 2 end end end local function decode_number() local num, c = string_match(statusBuf, '^([0-9]+%.?[0-9]*)([eE]?)', statusPos) if not num or string_byte(num, -1) == 0x2E --[[ "." ]] then decode_error("invalid number '" .. get_word() .. "'") end if c ~= '' then num = string_match(statusBuf, '^([^eE]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)[ \t\r\n%]},/]', statusPos) if not num then decode_error("invalid number '" .. get_word() .. "'") end end statusPos = statusPos + #num return tonumber(num) end local function decode_number_zero() local num, c = string_match(statusBuf, '^(.%.?[0-9]*)([eE]?)', statusPos) if not num or string_byte(num, -1) == 0x2E --[[ "." ]] or string_match(statusBuf, '^.[0-9]+', statusPos) then decode_error("invalid number '" .. get_word() .. "'") end if c ~= '' then num = string_match(statusBuf, '^([^eE]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)[ \t\r\n%]},/]', statusPos) if not num then decode_error("invalid number '" .. get_word() .. "'") end end statusPos = statusPos + #num return tonumber(num) end local function decode_number_negative() statusPos = statusPos + 1 local c = string_byte(statusBuf, statusPos) if c then if c == 0x30 then return -decode_number_zero() elseif c > 0x30 and c < 0x3A then return -decode_number() end end decode_error("invalid number '" .. get_word() .. "'") end local function decode_true() if string_sub(statusBuf, statusPos, statusPos+3) ~= "true" then decode_error("invalid literal '" .. get_word() .. "'") end statusPos = statusPos + 4 return true end local function decode_false() if string_sub(statusBuf, statusPos, statusPos+4) ~= "false" then decode_error("invalid literal '" .. get_word() .. "'") end statusPos = statusPos + 5 return false end local function decode_null() if string_sub(statusBuf, statusPos, statusPos+3) ~= "null" then decode_error("invalid literal '" .. get_word() .. "'") end statusPos = statusPos + 4 return json.null end local function decode_array() statusPos = statusPos + 1 local res = {} local chr = next_byte() if chr == 93 --[[ ']' ]] then statusPos = statusPos + 1 return res end statusTop = statusTop + 1 statusAry[statusTop] = true statusRef[statusTop] = res return res end local function decode_object() statusPos = statusPos + 1 local res = {} local chr = next_byte() if chr == 125 --[[ ']' ]] then statusPos = statusPos + 1 return json.createEmptyObject() end statusTop = statusTop + 1 statusAry[statusTop] = false statusRef[statusTop] = res return res end local decode_uncompleted_map = { [ string_byte '"' ] = decode_string, [ string_byte "0" ] = decode_number_zero, [ string_byte "1" ] = decode_number, [ string_byte "2" ] = decode_number, [ string_byte "3" ] = decode_number, [ string_byte "4" ] = decode_number, [ string_byte "5" ] = decode_number, [ string_byte "6" ] = decode_number, [ string_byte "7" ] = decode_number, [ string_byte "8" ] = decode_number, [ string_byte "9" ] = decode_number, [ string_byte "-" ] = decode_number_negative, [ string_byte "t" ] = decode_true, [ string_byte "f" ] = decode_false, [ string_byte "n" ] = decode_null, [ string_byte "[" ] = decode_array, [ string_byte "{" ] = decode_object, } local function unexpected_character() decode_error("unexpected character '" .. string_sub(statusBuf, statusPos, statusPos) .. "'") end local function unexpected_eol() decode_error("unexpected character ''") end local decode_map = {} for i = 0, 255 do decode_map[i] = decode_uncompleted_map[i] or unexpected_character end decode_map[-1] = unexpected_eol local function decode() return decode_map[next_byte()]() end local function decode_item() local top = statusTop local ref = statusRef[top] if statusAry[top] then ref[#ref+1] = decode() else local key = decode_string() if next_byte() ~= 58 --[[ ':' ]] then decode_error "expected ':'" end statusPos = statusPos + 1 ref[key] = decode() end if top == statusTop then repeat local chr = next_byte(); statusPos = statusPos + 1 if chr == 44 --[[ "," ]] then local c = next_byte() if statusAry[statusTop] then if c ~= 93 --[[ "]" ]] then return end else if c ~= 125 --[[ "}" ]] then return end end statusPos = statusPos + 1 else if statusAry[statusTop] then if chr ~= 93 --[[ "]" ]] then decode_error "expected ']' or ','" end else if chr ~= 125 --[[ "}" ]] then decode_error "expected '}' or ','" end end end statusTop = statusTop - 1 until statusTop == 0 end end function json.decode_jsonc(str) if type(str) ~= "string" then error("expected argument of type string, got " .. type(str)) end statusBuf = str statusPos = 1 statusTop = 0 if next_byte() == -1 then return json.null end local res = decode() while statusTop > 0 do decode_item() end if string_find(statusBuf, "[^ \t\r\n]", statusPos) then decode_error "trailing garbage" end return res end return json