local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' local plat = require 'bee.platform' local config = require 'config' local util = require 'utility' local lang = require 'language' local client = require 'client' local lloader = require 'locale-loader' local fsu = require 'fs-utility' local define = require "proto.define" local files = require 'files' local await = require 'await' local encoder = require 'encoder' local ws = require 'workspace.workspace' local scope = require 'workspace.scope' local inspect = require 'inspect' local jsonb = require 'json-beautify' local jsonc = require 'jsonc' local m = {} m.metaPaths = {} local function getDocFormater(uri) local version = config.get(uri, 'Lua.runtime.version') if client.isVSCode() then if version == 'Lua 5.1' then return 'HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA51' elseif version == 'Lua 5.2' then return 'HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA52' elseif version == 'Lua 5.3' then return 'HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA53' elseif version == 'Lua 5.4' then return 'HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA54' elseif version == 'LuaJIT' then return 'HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT' end else if version == 'Lua 5.1' then return 'HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA51' elseif version == 'Lua 5.2' then return 'HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA52' elseif version == 'Lua 5.3' then return 'HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA53' elseif version == 'Lua 5.4' then return 'HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA54' elseif version == 'LuaJIT' then return 'HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT' end end end local function convertLink(uri, text) local fmt = getDocFormater(uri) return text:gsub('%$([%.%w_%:]+)', function (name) local lastDot = '' if name:sub(-1) == '.' then name = name:sub(1, -2) lastDot = '.' end if fmt then return ('[%s](%s)'):format(name, lang.script(fmt, 'pdf-' .. name)) .. lastDot else return ('`%s`'):format(name) .. lastDot end end):gsub('§([%.%w]+)', function (name) local lastDot = '' if name:sub(-1) == '.' then name = name:sub(1, -2) lastDot = '.' end if fmt then return ('[§%s](%s)'):format(name, lang.script(fmt, name)) .. lastDot else return ('`%s`'):format(name) .. lastDot end end) end local function createViewDocument(name) local fmt = getDocFormater() if not fmt then return nil end name = name:match '[%w_%.%:]+' if name:sub(-1) == '.' then name = name:sub(1, -2) end return ('[%s](%s)'):format(lang.script.HOVER_VIEW_DOCUMENTS, lang.script(fmt, 'pdf-' .. name)) end local function compileSingleMetaDoc(uri, script, metaLang, status) if not script then log.error('no meta?', uri) return nil end local middleBuf = {} local compileBuf = {} local last = 1 for start, lua, finish in script:gmatch '()%-%-%-%#([^\n\r]*)()' do middleBuf[#middleBuf+1] = ('PUSH [===[%s]===]'):format(script:sub(last, start - 1)) middleBuf[#middleBuf+1] = lua last = finish end middleBuf[#middleBuf+1] = ('PUSH [===[%s]===]'):format(script:sub(last)) local middleScript = table.concat(middleBuf, '\n') local version, jit if config.get(uri, 'Lua.runtime.version') == 'LuaJIT' then version = 5.1 jit = true else version = tonumber(config.get(uri, 'Lua.runtime.version'):sub(-3)) or 5.4 jit = false end local disable = false local env = setmetatable({ VERSION = version, JIT = jit, PUSH = function (text) compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = text end, DES = function (name) local des = metaLang[name] if not des then des = ('Miss locale <%s>'):format(name) end compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = '---\n' for line in util.eachLine(des) do compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = '---' compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = convertLink(uri, line) compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = '\n' end local viewDocument = createViewDocument(name) if viewDocument then compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = '---\n---' compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = viewDocument compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = '\n' end compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = '---\n' end, DESTAIL = function (name) local des = metaLang[name] if not des then des = ('Miss locale <%s>'):format(name) end compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = convertLink(uri, des) compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = '\n' end, ALIVE = function (str) local isAlive for piece in str:gmatch '[^%,]+' do if piece:sub(1, 1) == '>' then local alive = tonumber(piece:sub(2)) if not alive or version >= alive then isAlive = true break end elseif piece:sub(1, 1) == '<' then local alive = tonumber(piece:sub(2)) if not alive or version <= alive then isAlive = true break end else local alive = tonumber(piece) if not alive or version == alive then isAlive = true break end end end if not isAlive then compileBuf[#compileBuf+1] = '---@deprecated\n' end end, DISABLE = function () disable = true end, }, { __index = _ENV }) util.saveFile((ROOT / 'log' / 'middleScript.lua'):string(), middleScript) local suc = xpcall(function () assert(load(middleScript, middleScript, 't', env))() end, log.error) if not suc then log.debug('MiddleScript:\n', middleScript) end local text = table.concat(compileBuf) if disable and status == 'default' then return text, false end if status == 'disable' then return text, false end return text, true end local function loadMetaLocale(langID, result) result = result or {} local path = (ROOT / 'locale' / langID / 'meta.lua'):string() local localeContent = util.loadFile(path) if localeContent then xpcall(lloader, log.error, localeContent, path, result) end return result end local function initBuiltIn(uri) log.info('Init builtin library at:', uri) local scp = scope.getScope(uri) local langID = lang.id local version = config.get(uri, 'Lua.runtime.version') local encoding = config.get(uri, 'Lua.runtime.fileEncoding') ---@type fs.path local metaPath = fs.path(METAPATH) / config.get(uri, 'Lua.runtime.meta'):gsub('%$%{(.-)%}', { version = version, language = langID, encoding = encoding, }) local metaLang = loadMetaLocale('en-US') if langID ~= 'en-US' then loadMetaLocale(langID, metaLang) end local metaPaths = {} scp:set('metaPaths', metaPaths) local suc = xpcall(function () if not fs.exists(metaPath) then fs.create_directories(metaPath) end end, log.error) if not suc then log.warn('Init builtin failed.') return end local out = fsu.dummyFS() local templateDir = ROOT / 'meta' / 'template' for libName, status in pairs(define.BuiltIn) do status = config.get(uri, 'Lua.runtime.builtin')[libName] or status log.debug('Builtin status:', libName, status) ---@type fs.path local libPath = templateDir / (libName .. '.lua') local metaDoc, include = compileSingleMetaDoc(uri, fsu.loadFile(libPath), metaLang, status) if metaDoc then metaDoc = encoder.encode(encoding, metaDoc, 'auto') local outputLibName = libName:gsub('%.', '/') .. '.lua' if outputLibName ~= libName then out:createDirectories(fs.path(outputLibName):parent_path()) end local ok, err = out:saveFile(outputLibName, metaDoc) if not ok then log.debug("Save Meta File Failed:", err) goto CONTINUE end local outputPath = metaPath / outputLibName m.metaPaths[outputPath:string()] = true log.debug('Meta path:', outputPath:string()) if include then metaPaths[#metaPaths+1] = outputPath:string() end end ::CONTINUE:: end local result = fsu.fileSync(out, metaPath) if #result.err > 0 then log.warn('File sync error:', inspect(result)) end end ---@param libraryDir fs.path ---@return table? local function loadSingle3rdConfigFromJson(libraryDir) local path = libraryDir / 'config.json' local configText = fsu.loadFile(path) if not configText then return nil end local suc, cfg = xpcall(jsonc.decode_jsonc, function (err) log.error('Decode config.json failed at:', libraryDir:string(), err) end, configText) if not suc then return nil end if type(cfg) ~= 'table' then log.error('config.json must be an object:', libraryDir:string()) return nil end return cfg end ---@param libraryDir fs.path ---@return table? local function loadSingle3rdConfigFromLua(libraryDir) local path = libraryDir / 'config.lua' local configText = fsu.loadFile(path) if not configText then return nil end local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = _G }) local f, err = load(configText, '@' .. libraryDir:string(), 't', env) if not f then log.error('Load config.lua failed at:', libraryDir:string(), err) return nil end local suc = xpcall(f, function (err) log.error('Load config.lua failed at:', libraryDir:string(), err) end) if not suc then return nil end local cfg = {} for k, v in pairs(env) do cfg[k] = v end return cfg end ---@param libraryDir fs.path local function loadSingle3rdConfig(libraryDir) local cfg = loadSingle3rdConfigFromJson(libraryDir) if not cfg then cfg = loadSingle3rdConfigFromLua(libraryDir) if not cfg then return end local jsonbuf = jsonb.beautify(cfg) client.requestMessage('Info', lang.script.WINDOW_CONFIG_LUA_DEPRECATED, { lang.script.WINDOW_CONVERT_CONFIG_LUA, }, function (action, index) if index == 1 and jsonbuf then fsu.saveFile(libraryDir / 'config.json', jsonbuf) fsu.fileRemove(libraryDir / 'config.lua') end end) end cfg.path = libraryDir:filename():string() cfg.name = cfg.name or cfg.path if fs.exists(libraryDir / 'plugin.lua') then cfg.plugin = true end if cfg.words then for i, word in ipairs(cfg.words) do cfg.words[i] = '()' .. word .. '()' end end if cfg.files then for i, filename in ipairs(cfg.files) do if plat.OS == 'Windows' then filename = filename:gsub('/', '\\') else filename = filename:gsub('\\', '/') end cfg.files[i] = '()' .. filename .. '()' end end return cfg end local innerThirdDir = ROOT / 'meta' / '3rd' local function load3rdConfigInDir(dir, configs, inner) if not fs.is_directory(dir) then return end for libraryDir in fs.pairs(dir) do local suc, res = xpcall(loadSingle3rdConfig, log.error, libraryDir) if suc and res then if inner then res.dirname = ('${3rd}/%s'):format(res.path) else res.dirname = ('%s/%s'):format(dir:string(), res.path) end configs[#configs+1] = res end end end local function load3rdConfig(uri) local scp = scope.getScope(uri) local configs = scp:get 'thirdConfigsCache' if configs then return configs end configs = {} scp:set('thirdConfigsCache', configs) load3rdConfigInDir(innerThirdDir, configs, true) local thirdDirs = config.get(uri, 'Lua.workspace.userThirdParty') for _, thirdDir in ipairs(thirdDirs) do load3rdConfigInDir(fs.path(thirdDir), configs) end return configs end local function apply3rd(uri, cfg, onlyMemory) local changes = {} if cfg.settings then for key, value in pairs(cfg.settings) do if type(value) == 'table' then if #value == 0 then for k, v in pairs(value) do changes[#changes+1] = { key = key, action = 'prop', prop = k, value = v, uri = uri, } end else for _, v in ipairs(value) do changes[#changes+1] = { key = key, action = 'add', value = v, uri = uri, } end end else changes[#changes+1] = { key = key, action = 'set', value = value, uri = uri, } end end end if cfg.plugin then changes[#changes+1] = { key = 'Lua.runtime.plugin', action = 'set', value = ('%s/plugin.lua'):format(cfg.dirname), uri = uri, } end changes[#changes+1] = { key = 'Lua.workspace.library', action = 'add', value = ('%s/library'):format(cfg.dirname), uri = uri, } client.setConfig(changes, onlyMemory) end local hasAsked = {} ---@async local function askFor3rd(uri, cfg) if hasAsked[cfg.name] then return nil end hasAsked[cfg.name] = true local yes1 = lang.script.WINDOW_APPLY_WHIT_SETTING local yes2 = lang.script.WINDOW_APPLY_WHITOUT_SETTING local no = lang.script.WINDOW_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN local result = client.awaitRequestMessage('Info' , lang.script('WINDOW_ASK_APPLY_LIBRARY', cfg.name) , {yes1, yes2, no} ) if not result then return nil end if result == yes1 then apply3rd(uri, cfg, false) elseif result == yes2 then apply3rd(uri, cfg, true) else client.setConfig({ { key = 'Lua.workspace.checkThirdParty', action = 'set', value = false, uri = uri, }, }, false) end end ---@param a string ---@param b string ---@return boolean local function wholeMatch(a, b) local pos1, pos2 = a:match(b) if not pos1 then return false end local left = a:sub(pos1 - 1, pos1 - 1) local right = a:sub(pos2, pos2) if left:match '[%w_]' or right:match '[%w_]' then return false end return true end local function check3rdByWords(uri, configs) if not files.isLua(uri) then return end local id = 'check3rdByWords:' .. uri await.close(id) await.call(function () ---@async await.sleep(0.1) local text = files.getText(uri) if not text then return end for _, cfg in ipairs(configs) do if not cfg.words then goto CONTINUE end if hasAsked[cfg.name] then goto CONTINUE end local library = ('%s/library'):format(cfg.dirname) if util.arrayHas(config.get(uri, 'Lua.workspace.library'), library) then goto CONTINUE end for _, word in ipairs(cfg.words) do await.delay() if wholeMatch(text, word) then log.info('Found 3rd library by word: ', word, uri, library, inspect(config.get(uri, 'Lua.workspace.library'))) ---@async await.call(function () askFor3rd(uri, cfg) end) return end end ::CONTINUE:: end end, id) end local function check3rdByFileName(uri, configs) local path = ws.getRelativePath(uri) if not path then return end local id = 'check3rdByFileName:' .. uri await.close(id) await.call(function () ---@async await.sleep(0.1) for _, cfg in ipairs(configs) do if not cfg.files then goto CONTINUE end if hasAsked[cfg.name] then goto CONTINUE end local library = ('%s/library'):format(cfg.dirname) if util.arrayHas(config.get(uri, 'Lua.workspace.library'), library) then goto CONTINUE end for _, filename in ipairs(cfg.files) do await.delay() if wholeMatch(path, filename) then log.info('Found 3rd library by filename: ', filename, uri, library, inspect(config.get(uri, 'Lua.workspace.library'))) ---@async await.call(function () askFor3rd(uri, cfg) end) return end end ::CONTINUE:: end end, id) end ---@async local function check3rd(uri) if ws.isIgnored(uri) then return end if not config.get(uri, 'Lua.workspace.checkThirdParty') then return end local scp = scope.getScope(uri) if not scp:get 'canCheckThirdParty' then return end local thirdConfigs = load3rdConfig(uri) or false if not thirdConfigs then return end check3rdByWords(uri, thirdConfigs) check3rdByFileName(uri, thirdConfigs) end local function check3rdOfWorkspace(suri) local scp = scope.getScope(suri) scp:set('thirdConfigsCache', nil) scp:set('canCheckThirdParty', true) local id = 'check3rdOfWorkspace:' .. scp:getName() await.close(id) ---@async await.call(function () ws.awaitReady(suri) for uri in files.eachFile(suri) do check3rd(uri) end for uri in files.eachDll() do check3rd(uri) end end, id) end config.watch(function (uri, key, value, oldValue) if key:find '^Lua.runtime' then initBuiltIn(uri) end if key == 'Lua.workspace.checkThirdParty' or key == 'Lua.workspace.userThirdParty' or key == '' then check3rdOfWorkspace(uri) end end) ---@async files.watch(function (ev, uri) if ev == 'update' or ev == 'dll' then await.sleep(1) check3rd(uri) end end) ws.watch(function (ev, uri) if ev == 'startReload' then initBuiltIn(uri) end end) return m