font=Anonymice Nerd Font Mono Regular 11 width=400 height=100 icon-path=/var/home/jpm/.dotfiles/icons/Gruvbox/ #max-history=100 sort=-priority # Bindings allow one to perform an action when an event is triggered. Supported values are none, dismiss, dismiss-all, dismiss-group, invoke-action , invoke-default-action and exec . on-button-left=invoke-default-action on-button-middle=dismiss-group on-button-right=dismiss on-touch=dismiss #on-notify=action on-button-middle=exec makoctl menu -n "$id" dmenu -p ’Select action: ’ #on-notify=exec mpv /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/message.oga # space around all notifications outer-margin=0 # space between each notification margin=25,0,0,0 padding=5 border-size=2 border-color=#83a598 border-radius=0 #Progress can be indicated in a notification by setting a hint, "value" to an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive. progress-color=source #83a598 icons=1 max-icon-size=64 #icon-path= icon-location=left markup=1 actions=1 history=1 #format=format # Set notification format string to format. See FORMAT SPECIFIERS for more information. To # change this for grouped notifications, set it within a grouped criteria. # Default: %s\n%b # Default when grouped: (%g) %s\n%b text-alignment=left default-timeout=0 group-by=app-name max-visible=10 output= layer=top anchor=top-right background-color=#458588 text-color=#ebdbb2 [urgency="low"] background-color=#282828 border-color=#928374 [app-name="Rocket.Chat"] ignore-timeout=1 [summary="Backlight"] progress-color=source #d79921 #progress-color=source #fabd2f [app-name="some-app-id" actionable] #on-button-left=invoke-action mail-reply-sender