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It works with external templates in separate HTML files, and also with in-line templates.\n", "homepage": "https://angular.io/guide/language-service", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Angular" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/%40angular/language-server@16.1.4", "extra_packages": [ "typescript@4.8.2" ] }, "bin": { "ngserver": "npm:ngserver" } }, { "name": "ansible-language-server", "description": "Ansible Language Server.", "homepage": "https://github.com/ansible/ansible-language-server", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Ansible" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/%40ansible/ansible-language-server@1.2.0" }, "bin": { "ansible-language-server": "npm:ansible-language-server" } }, { "name": "ansible-lint", "description": "Ansible Lint is a command-line tool for linting playbooks, roles and collections aimed toward any Ansible users.", "homepage": "https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint", "licenses": [ "GPL-3.0-or-later", "MIT" ], 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respects readability.", "homepage": "https://github.com/shufo/blade-formatter", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Blade" ], "categories": [ "Formatter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/blade-formatter@1.33.1" }, "bin": { "blade-formatter": "npm:blade-formatter" } }, { "name": "blue", "description": "blue is a somewhat less uncompromising code formatter than black, the OG of Python formatters. We love the idea of\nautomatically formatting Python code, for the same reasons that inspired black, however we take issue with some of the\ndecisions black makes. Kudos to black for pioneering code formatting for Python, and for its excellent implementation.\n", "homepage": "https://blue.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "Python" ], "categories": [ "Formatter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:pypi/blue@0.9.1" }, "bin": { "blue": "pypi:blue" } }, { "name": "brighterscript-formatter", "description": "A code formatter for BrightScript and BrighterScript.", "homepage": "https://github.com/rokucommunity/brighterscript-formatter", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "BrighterScript" ], "categories": [ "Formatter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/brighterscript-formatter@1.6.30" }, "bin": { "bsfmt": "npm:bsfmt" } }, { "name": "brighterscript", "description": "A superset of Roku's BrightScript language.", "homepage": "https://github.com/RokuCommunity/brighterscript", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "BrighterScript" ], "categories": [ "Compiler", "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/brighterscript@0.65.1" }, "bin": { "bsc": "npm:bsc" } }, { "name": "bsl-language-server", "description": "Implementation of Language Server Protocol for Language 1C (BSL).", "homepage": "https://1c-syntax.github.io/bsl-language-server", "licenses": [ "LGPL-3.0" ], "languages": [ "1С:Enterprise", "OneScript" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/1c-syntax/bsl-language-server@v0.21.1", "asset": { "file": "bsl-language-server-{{ version | strip_prefix \"v\" }}-exec.jar" } }, "bin": { "bsl-language-server": "java-jar:{{source.asset.file}}" } }, { "name": "bslint", "description": "A BrighterScript CLI tool to lint your code without compiling your project.", "homepage": "https://github.com/rokucommunity/bslint", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "BrighterScript" ], "categories": [ "Linter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/%40rokucommunity/bslint@0.8.7" }, "bin": { "bslint": "npm:bslint" } }, { "name": "buf-language-server", "description": "buf-language-server is a prototype for the beginnings of a Protobuf language server compatible with Buf modules and workspaces.\n", "homepage": "https://github.com/bufbuild/buf-language-server", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "Protobuf" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:golang/github.com/bufbuild/buf-language-server@v0.0.0-20221121155404-1e927a5df512#cmd/bufls" }, "bin": { "bufls": "golang:bufls" } }, { "name": "buf", "description": "The Buf CLI is a one stop shop for your local Protocol Buffers needs. It comes with a linter that enforces good API\ndesigns, a breaking change detector, a generator, a formatter that formats your Protobuf files in accordance with\nindustry standards. It also helps you manage your Protobuf assets on the Buf Schema Registry.\n", "homepage": "https://buf.build", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "Protobuf" ], "categories": [ "Linter", "Formatter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/bufbuild/buf@v1.24.0", "asset": [ { "target": "darwin_x64", "file": "buf-Darwin-x86_64" }, { "target": "darwin_arm64", "file": "buf-Darwin-arm64" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "buf-Linux-x86_64" }, { "target": "linux_arm64", "file": "buf-Linux-aarch64" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "buf-Windows-x86_64.exe" }, { "target": "win_arm64", "file": "buf-Windows-arm64.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "buf": "{{source.asset.file}}" } }, { "name": "buildifier", "description": "buildifier is a tool for formatting and linting bazel BUILD, WORKSPACE, and .bzl files.", "homepage": "https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "Bazel" ], "categories": [ "Linter", "Formatter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/bazelbuild/buildtools@v6.1.2", "asset": [ { "target": "darwin_x64", "file": "buildifier-darwin-amd64" }, { "target": "darwin_arm64", "file": "buildifier-darwin-arm64" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "buildifier-linux-amd64" }, { "target": "linux_arm64", "file": "buildifier-linux-arm64" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "buildifier-windows-amd64.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "buildifier": "{{source.asset.file}}" } }, { "name": "bzl", "description": "Autocompletion, hover documentation, and debugging for BUILD files. Get a huge productivity boost with rule,\nattribute, and function definitions right in your IDE.\n", "homepage": "https://bzl.io/", "licenses": [ "proprietary" ], "languages": [ "Starlark" ], "categories": [ "LSP", "DAP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:generic/bzl@v1.4.22", "download": [ { "target": "darwin_x64", "files": { "bzl": "https://get.bzl.io/darwin_amd64/{{version}}/bzl" }, "bin": "bzl" }, { "target": "darwin_arm64", "files": { "bzl": "https://get.bzl.io/darwin_arm64/{{version}}/bzl" }, "bin": "bzl" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "files": { "bzl": "https://get.bzl.io/linux_amd64/{{version}}/bzl" }, "bin": "bzl" }, { "target": "win_x64", "files": { "bzl.exe": "https://get.bzl.io/windows_amd64/{{version}}/bzl.exe" }, "bin": "bzl.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "bzl": "{{source.download.bin}}" } }, { "name": "cbfmt", "description": "A tool to format codeblocks inside markdown and org documents. It iterates over all codeblocks, and formats them with\nthe tool(s) specified for the language of the block.\n", "homepage": "https://github.com/lukas-reineke/cbfmt", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Markdown" ], "categories": [ "Formatter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/lukas-reineke/cbfmt@v0.2.0", "asset": [ { "target": [ "darwin_x64", "darwin_arm64" ], "file": "cbfmt_macos-x86_64_{{version}}.tar.gz", "bin": "cbfmt_macos-x86_64_{{version}}/cbfmt" }, { "target": "linux_x64_gnu", "file": "cbfmt_linux-x86_64_{{version}}.tar.gz", "bin": "cbfmt_linux-x86_64_{{version}}/cbfmt" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "cbfmt_linux-x86_64-musl_{{version}}.tar.gz", "bin": "cbfmt_linux-x86_64-musl_{{version}}/cbfmt" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "cbfmt_windows-x86_64-msvc_{{version}}.zip", "bin": "cbfmt_windows-x86_64-msvc_{{version}}/cbfmt.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "cbfmt": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "cfn-lint", "description": "CloudFormation Linter. Validate AWS CloudFormation YAML/JSON templates against the AWS CloudFormation Resource\nSpecification and additional checks. Includes checking valid values for resource properties and best practices.\n", "homepage": "https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/cfn-lint", "licenses": [ "MIT-0" ], "languages": [ "YAML", "JSON" ], "categories": [ "Linter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:pypi/cfn-lint@0.78.1" }, "bin": { "cfn-lint": "pypi:cfn-lint" } }, { "name": "chrome-debug-adapter", "description": "Debug your JavaScript code running in Google Chrome.", "homepage": "https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-chrome-debug", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "JavaScript", "TypeScript" ], "categories": [ "DAP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/Microsoft/vscode-chrome-debug@v4.13.0", "build": { "run": "npm install\nnpm run build\nnpm install --production --ignore-scripts\n" } }, "bin": { "chrome-debug-adapter": "node:out/src/chromeDebug.js" } }, { "name": "clang-format", "description": "clang-format is formatter for C/C++/Java/JavaScript/JSON/Objective-C/Protobuf/C# code.", "homepage": "https://pypi.org/project/clang-format/", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "C", "C#", "C++", "JSON", "Java", "JavaScript" ], "categories": [ "Formatter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:pypi/clang-format@16.0.6" }, "bin": { "clang-format": "pypi:clang-format" } }, { "name": "clangd", "description": "clangd understands your C++ code and adds smart features to your editor: code completion, compile errors,\ngo-to-definition and more.\n", "homepage": "https://clangd.llvm.org", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "C", "C++" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/clangd/clangd@16.0.2", "asset": [ { "target": [ "darwin_x64", "darwin_arm64" ], "file": "clangd-mac-{{version}}.zip", "bin": "clangd_{{version}}/bin/clangd" }, { "target": "linux_x64_gnu", "file": "clangd-linux-{{version}}.zip", "bin": "clangd_{{version}}/bin/clangd" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "clangd-windows-{{version}}.zip", "bin": "clangd_{{version}}/bin/clangd.exe" } ] }, "schemas": { "lsp": "vscode:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clangd/vscode-clangd/master/package.json" }, "bin": { "clangd": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "clarinet", "description": "Clarinet is a simple, modern and opinionated runtime for testing, integrating and deploying Clarity smart contracts.\n", "homepage": "https://github.com/hirosystems/clarinet", "licenses": [ "GPL-3.0-or-later" ], "languages": [ "Clarity" ], "categories": [ "LSP", "Runtime" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/hirosystems/clarinet@v1.7.0", "asset": [ { "target": "darwin_arm64", "file": "clarinet-darwin-arm64.tar.gz", "bin": "clarinet" }, { "target": "darwin_x64", "file": "clarinet-darwin-x64.tar.gz", "bin": "clarinet" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "clarinet-linux-x64-glibc.tar.gz", "bin": "clarinet" } ] }, "bin": { "clarinet": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "clarity-lsp", "description": "Language Server Protocol implementation for Clarity.", "homepage": "https://github.com/hirosystems/clarity-lsp", "licenses": [ "GPL-3.0" ], "languages": [ "Clarity" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/hirosystems/clarity-lsp@v0.8.0", "asset": [ { "target": [ "darwin_arm64", "darwin_x64" ], "file": "clarity-lsp-macos-x64.zip", "bin": "clarity-lsp" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "clarity-lsp-linux-x64.zip", "bin": "clarity-lsp" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "clarity-lsp-windows-x64.zip", "bin": "clarity-lsp.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "clarity-lsp": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "clj-kondo", "description": "Clj-kondo performs static analysis on Clojure, ClojureScript and EDN, without the need of a running REPL. It informs\nyou about potential errors while you are typing.\n", "homepage": "https://github.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo", "licenses": [ "EPL-1.0" ], "languages": [ "Clojure", "ClojureScript" ], "categories": [ "Linter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/clj-kondo/clj-kondo@v2023.07.13", "asset": [ { "target": "darwin_arm64", "file": "clj-kondo-{{ version | strip_prefix \"v\" }}-macos-aarch64.zip", "bin": "clj-kondo" }, { "target": "darwin_x64", "file": "clj-kondo-{{ version | strip_prefix \"v\" }}-macos-amd64.zip", "bin": "clj-kondo" }, { "target": "linux_arm64", "file": "clj-kondo-{{ version | strip_prefix \"v\" }}-linux-aarch64.zip", "bin": "clj-kondo" }, { "target": "linux_x64_gnu", "file": "clj-kondo-{{ version | strip_prefix \"v\" }}-linux-amd64.zip", "bin": "clj-kondo" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "clj-kondo-{{ version | strip_prefix \"v\" }}-linux-static-amd64.zip", "bin": "clj-kondo" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "clj-kondo-{{ version | strip_prefix \"v\" }}-windows-amd64.zip", "bin": "clj-kondo.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "clj-kondo": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "clojure-lsp", "description": "A Language Server for Clojure(script). Taking a Cursive-like approach of statically analyzing code.", "homepage": "https://clojure-lsp.io", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Clojure", "ClojureScript" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/clojure-lsp/clojure-lsp@2023.07.01-22.35.41", "asset": [ { "target": "darwin_arm64", "file": "clojure-lsp-native-macos-aarch64.zip", "bin": "clojure-lsp" }, { "target": "darwin_x64", "file": "clojure-lsp-native-macos-amd64.zip", "bin": "clojure-lsp" }, { "target": "linux_x64_gnu", "file": "clojure-lsp-native-linux-amd64.zip", "bin": "clojure-lsp" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "clojure-lsp-native-static-linux-amd64.zip", "bin": "clojure-lsp" }, { "target": "linux_arm64", "file": "clojure-lsp-native-linux-aarch64.zip", "bin": "clojure-lsp" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "clojure-lsp-native-windows-amd64.zip", "bin": "clojure-lsp.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "clojure-lsp": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "cmake-language-server", "description": "CMake LSP Implementation.", "homepage": "https://github.com/regen100/cmake-language-server", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "CMake" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:pypi/cmake-language-server@0.1.7" }, "bin": { "cmake-language-server": "pypi:cmake-language-server" } }, { "name": "cmakelang", "description": "Language tools for cmake (format, lint, etc).", "homepage": "https://pypi.org/project/cmakelang/", "licenses": [ "GPL-3.0-or-later" ], "languages": [ "CMake" ], "categories": [ "Formatter", "Linter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:pypi/cmakelang@0.6.13" }, "bin": { "cmake-annotate": "pypi:cmake-annotate", "cmake-format": "pypi:cmake-format", "cmake-lint": "pypi:cmake-lint", "ctest-to": "pypi:ctest-to" } }, { "name": "cmakelint", "description": "cmakelint parses CMake files and reports style issues.", "homepage": "https://github.com/cmake-lint/cmake-lint", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "CMake" ], "categories": [ "Linter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:pypi/cmakelint@1.4.2" }, "bin": { "cmakelint": "pypi:cmakelint" } }, { "name": "codelldb", "description": "A native debugger based on LLDB.", "homepage": "https://github.com/vadimcn/vscode-lldb", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "C", "C++", "Rust" ], "categories": [ "DAP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/vadimcn/vscode-lldb@v1.9.2", "asset": [ { "target": "darwin_x64", "file": "codelldb-x86_64-darwin.vsix", "bin": "exec:extension/adapter/codelldb" }, { "target": "darwin_arm64", "file": "codelldb-aarch64-darwin.vsix", "bin": "exec:extension/adapter/codelldb" }, { "target": "linux_x64_gnu", "file": "codelldb-x86_64-linux.vsix", "bin": "exec:extension/adapter/codelldb" }, { "target": "linux_arm64_gnu", "file": "codelldb-aarch64-linux.vsix", "bin": "exec:extension/adapter/codelldb" }, { "target": "linux_arm_gnu", "file": "codelldb-arm-linux.vsix", "bin": "exec:extension/adapter/codelldb" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "codelldb-x86_64-windows.vsix", "bin": "extension/adapter/codelldb.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "codelldb": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "codeql", "description": "Discover vulnerabilities across a codebase with CodeQL, our industry-leading semantic code analysis engine. 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Then share your query to help others do the same.\n", "homepage": "https://github.com/github/codeql-cli-binaries", "licenses": [ "proprietary" ], "languages": [ "CodeQL" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/github/codeql-cli-binaries@v2.14.0", "asset": [ { "target": [ "darwin_x64", "darwin_arm64" ], "file": "codeql-osx64.zip", "bin": "codeql/codeql" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "codeql-linux64.zip", "bin": "codeql/codeql" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "codeql-win64.zip", "bin": "codeql/codeql.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "codeql": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "codespell", "description": "Check code for common misspellings.", "homepage": "https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell", "licenses": [ "GPL-2.0-or-later" ], "languages": [], "categories": [ "Linter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:pypi/codespell@2.2.5" }, "bin": { "codespell": "pypi:codespell" } }, { "name": "colorgen-nvim", "description": "Blazingly fast colorscheme generator for Neovim written in Rust.", "homepage": "https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/colorgen-nvim", "licenses": [ "GPL-3.0-or-later" ], "languages": [], "categories": [ "Compiler" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:cargo/colorgen-nvim@0.1.0?repository_url=https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/colorgen-nvim" }, "bin": { "colorgen-nvim": "cargo:colorgen-nvim" } }, { "name": "commitlint", "description": "commitlint checks if your commit messages meet the conventional commit format.", "homepage": "https://commitlint.js.org/", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [], "categories": [ "Linter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/%40commitlint/cli@17.6.6", "extra_packages": [ "@commitlint/config-conventional", "commitlint-format-json" ] }, "bin": { "commitlint": "npm:commitlint" } }, { "name": "cpplint", "description": "Cpplint is a command-line tool to check C/C++ files for style issues following Google's C++ style guide.", "homepage": "https://pypi.org/project/cpplint/", "licenses": [ "BSD-3-Clause" ], "languages": [ "C", "C++" 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If your dependencies ship with a Custom\nElements Manifest, those will be utilized also.\n", "homepage": "https://github.com/Matsuuu/custom-elements-language-server", "licenses": [ "BSD-3-Clause" ], "languages": [ "HTML", "JavaScript", "TypeScript", "JSX" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/custom-elements-languageserver@0.0.3" }, "bin": { "custom-elements-languageserver": "npm:custom-elements-languageserver" } }, { "name": "dart-debug-adapter", "description": "Dart debug adapter sourced from the Dart VSCode extension.", "homepage": "https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Dart" ], "categories": [ "DAP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/Dart-Code/Dart-Code@v3.68.0", "asset": { "file": "dart-code-{{ version | strip_prefix \"v\" }}.vsix" } }, "bin": { "dart-debug-adapter": "node:extension/out/dist/debug.js" } }, { "name": "debugpy", "description": "An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python.", "homepage": "https://github.com/microsoft/debugpy", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Python" ], "categories": [ "DAP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:pypi/debugpy@1.6.7" }, "bin": { "debugpy": "pyvenv:debugpy", "debugpy-adapter": "pyvenv:debugpy.adapter" } }, { "name": "delve", "description": "Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.", "homepage": "https://github.com/go-delve/delve", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Go" ], "categories": [ "DAP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:golang/github.com/go-delve/delve@v1.21.0#cmd/dlv" }, "bin": { "dlv": "golang:dlv" } }, { "name": "deno", "description": "Deno (/ˈdiːnoʊ/, pronounced dee-no) is a JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly runtime with secure defaults and a\ngreat developer experience.\n", "homepage": "https://deno.land/", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "JavaScript", "TypeScript" ], "categories": [ "LSP", "Runtime" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/denoland/deno@v1.35.1", "asset": [ { "target": "darwin_arm64", "file": "deno-aarch64-apple-darwin.zip", "bin": "deno" }, { "target": "darwin_x64", "file": "deno-x86_64-apple-darwin.zip", "bin": "deno" }, { "target": "linux_x64_gnu", "file": "deno-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.zip", "bin": "deno" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "deno-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip", "bin": "deno.exe" } ] }, "schemas": { "lsp": "vscode:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denoland/vscode_deno/main/package.json" }, "bin": { "deno": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "dhall-lsp", "description": "LSP server implementation for Dhall.", "homepage": "https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/tree/master/dhall-lsp-server", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Dhall" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell@1.42.0", "asset": [ { "target": [ "darwin_x64", "darwin_arm64" ], "file": "dhall-lsp-server-1.1.3-x86_64-macOS.tar.bz2", "bin": "bin/dhall-lsp-server" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "dhall-lsp-server-1.1.3-x86_64-Linux.tar.bz2", "bin": "bin/dhall-lsp-server" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "dhall-lsp-server-1.1.3-x86_64-windows.zip", "bin": "bin/dhall-lsp-server.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "dhall-lsp-server": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "diagnostic-languageserver", "description": "Diagnostic language server that integrates with linters.", "homepage": "https://github.com/iamcco/diagnostic-languageserver", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/diagnostic-languageserver@1.15.0" }, "bin": { "diagnostic-languageserver": "npm:diagnostic-languageserver" } }, { "name": "djlint", "description": "HTML Template Linter and Formatter. Django - Jinja - Nunjucks - Handlebars - GoLang.", "homepage": "https://github.com/Riverside-Healthcare/djLint", "licenses": [ "GPL-3.0-or-later" ], "languages": [ "Django", "Go", "Nunjucks", "Handlebargs", "Mustache", "Angular", "Jinja" ], "categories": [ "Formatter", "Linter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:pypi/djlint@1.31.1" }, "bin": { "djlint": "pypi:djlint" } }, { "name": "docformatter", "description": "docformatter automatically formats docstrings to follow a subset of the PEP 257 conventions.", "homepage": "https://pypi.org/project/docformatter/", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Python" ], "categories": [ "Formatter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:pypi/docformatter@1.7.5" }, "bin": { "docformatter": "pypi:docformatter" } }, { "name": "docker-compose-language-service", "description": "A language server for Docker Compose.", "homepage": "https://github.com/microsoft/compose-language-service", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Docker" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/%40microsoft/compose-language-service@0.2.0" }, "bin": { "docker-compose-langserver": "npm:docker-compose-langserver" } }, { "name": "dockerfile-language-server", "description": "A language server for Dockerfiles powered by Node.js, TypeScript, and VSCode technologies.", "homepage": "https://github.com/rcjsuen/dockerfile-language-server-nodejs", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Docker" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/dockerfile-language-server-nodejs@0.10.2" }, "bin": { "docker-langserver": "npm:docker-langserver" } }, { "name": "dot-language-server", "description": "A language server for the DOT language.", "homepage": "https://github.com/nikeee/dot-language-server", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "DOT" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/dot-language-server@1.2.0" }, "bin": { "dot-language-server": "npm:dot-language-server" } }, { "name": "dprint", "description": "A pluggable and configurable code formatting platform written in Rust.", "homepage": "https://dprint.dev/", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [], "categories": [ "Formatter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/dprint/dprint@0.39.1", "asset": [ { "target": "darwin_arm64", "file": "dprint-aarch64-apple-darwin.zip", "bin": "dprint" }, { "target": "darwin_x64", "file": "dprint-x86_64-apple-darwin.zip", "bin": "dprint" }, { "target": "linux_x64_gnu", "file": "dprint-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.zip", "bin": "dprint" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "dprint-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.zip", "bin": "dprint" }, { "target": "linux_arm64_gnu", "file": "dprint-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.zip", "bin": "dprint" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "dprint-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip", "bin": "dprint.exe" } ] }, "bin": { "dprint": "{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "drools-lsp", "description": "An implementation of a language server for the Drools Rule Language.", "homepage": "https://github.com/kiegroup/drools-lsp", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "Drools" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/kiegroup/drools-lsp@latest", "asset": { "file": "drools-lsp-server-jar-with-dependencies.jar" } } }, { "name": "editorconfig-checker", "description": "A tool to verify that your files are in harmony with your `.editorconfig`.", "homepage": "https://github.com/editorconfig-checker/editorconfig-checker", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [], "categories": [ "Linter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/editorconfig-checker/editorconfig-checker@2.7.0", "asset": [ { "target": "darwin_arm64", "file": "ec-darwin-arm64.tar.gz" }, { "target": "darwin_x64", "file": "ec-darwin-amd64.tar.gz" }, { "target": "linux_x64_openbsd", "file": "ec-openbsd-amd64.tar.gz" }, { "target": "linux_arm64_openbsd", "file": "ec-openbsd-arm64.tar.gz" }, { "target": "linux_arm64", "file": "ec-linux-arm64.tar.gz" }, { "target": "linux_x64", "file": "ec-linux-amd64.tar.gz" }, { "target": "win_x86", "file": "ec-windows-386.exe.tar.gz" }, { "target": "win_x64", "file": "ec-windows-amd64.exe.tar.gz" }, { "target": "win_arm64", "file": "ec-windows-arm64.exe.tar.gz" }, { "target": "win_arm", "file": "ec-windows-arm.exe.tar.gz" } ] }, "bin": { "editorconfig-checker": "bin/{{ source.asset.file | strip_suffix '.tar.gz' }}" } }, { "name": "efm", "description": "General purpose Language Server.", "homepage": "https://github.com/mattn/efm-langserver", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:golang/github.com/mattn/efm-langserver@v0.0.44" }, "bin": { "efm-langserver": "golang:efm-langserver" } }, { "name": "elixir-ls", "description": "A frontend-independent IDE \"smartness\" server for Elixir. Implements the \"Language Server Protocol\" standard and\nprovides debugger support via the \"Debug Adapter Protocol\".\n", "homepage": "https://github.com/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "Elixir" ], "categories": [ "LSP", "DAP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls@v0.15.1", "asset": [ { "target": "unix", "file": "elixir-ls-{{version}}.zip", "bin": { "lsp": "language_server.sh", "dap": "debugger.sh" } }, { "target": "win", "file": "elixir-ls-{{version}}.zip", "bin": { "lsp": "language_server.bat", "dap": "debugger.bat" } } ], "version_overrides": [ { "constraint": "semver:<=0.14.6", "id": "pkg:github/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls@v0.14.6", "asset": [ { "target": "unix", "file": "elixir-ls.zip", "bin": { "lsp": "language_server.sh", "dap": "debugger.sh" } }, { "target": "win", "file": "elixir-ls.zip", "bin": { "lsp": "language_server.bat", "dap": "debugger.bat" } } ] } ] }, "schemas": { "lsp": 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"homepage": "https://github.com/aca/emmet-ls", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "Emmet" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:npm/emmet-ls@0.4.2" }, "bin": { "emmet-ls": "npm:emmet-ls" } }, { "name": "erb-lint", "description": "erb-lint is a tool to help lint your ERB or HTML files using the included linters or by writing your own.", "homepage": "https://github.com/Shopify/erb-lint", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "languages": [ "HTML", "Ruby" ], "categories": [ "Linter" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:gem/erb_lint@0.4.0" }, "bin": { "erblint": "gem:erblint" } }, { "name": "erg-language-server", "description": "ELS is a language server for the Erg programing language.", "homepage": "https://github.com/erg-lang/erg-language-server", "licenses": [ "MIT", "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "Erg" ], "categories": [ "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/erg-lang/erg-language-server@v0.1.12", "asset": [ { "target": "darwin_x64", "file": "els-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz", "bin": "els" }, { 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"{{source.asset.bin}}" } }, { "name": "erlang-ls", "description": "Erlang LS is a language server providing language features for the Erlang programming language. The server works with\nEmacs, VSCode, Sublime Text 3, Vim and probably many more text editors and IDE which adhere to the LSP protocol.\n", "homepage": "https://erlang-ls.github.io/", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "languages": [ "Erlang" ], "categories": [ "DAP", "LSP" ], "source": { "id": "pkg:github/erlang-ls/erlang_ls@0.48.0", "build": [ { "target": "win", "run": "rebar3 escriptize\nrebar3 as dap escriptize\n", "erlang_ls": "_build/default/bin/erlang_ls.cmd", "els_dap": "_build/dap/bin/els_dap.cmd" }, { "target": "unix", "run": "