#Background color color=010101 #Sets the color of backspace highlight segments. bs-hl-color=cc241dff #Sets the color of backspace highlight segments when Caps Lock is active. caps-lock-bs-hl-color=ffffffff #Sets the color of the key press highlight segments when Caps Lock is active. caps-lock-key-hl-color=d79921ff #Sets the color of the inside of the indicator. inside-color=000000ff #Sets the color of the inside of the indicator when cleared. inside-clear-color=000000ff #Sets the color of the inside of the indicator when Caps Lock is active. inside-caps-lock-color=000000ff #Sets the color of the inside of the indicator when verifying. inside-ver-color=000000ff #Sets the color of the inside of the indicator when invalid. inside-wrong-color=000000ff #Sets the color of the key press highlight segments. key-hl-color=458588ff #Sets the background color of the box containing the layout text. layout-bg-color=000000ff #Sets the color of the border of the box containing the layout text. layout-border-color=000000ff #Sets the color of the layout text. layout-text-color=a89984ff #Sets the color of the line between the inside and ring. line-color=a89984ff #Sets the color of the line between the inside and ring when cleared. line-clear-color=a89984ff #Sets the color of the line between the inside and ring when Caps Lock is active. line-caps-lock-color=a89984ff #Sets the color of the line between the inside and ring when verifying. line-ver-color=a89984ff #Sets the color of the line between the inside and ring when invalid. line-wrong-color=cc241dff #Use the inside color for the line between the inside and ring. #line-uses-inside #Use the ring color for the line between the inside and ring. #line-uses-ring #Sets the color of the ring of the indicator when typing or idle. ring-color=282828ff #Sets the color of the ring of the indicator when cleared. ring-clear-color=a89984ff #Sets the color of the ring of the indicator when Caps Lock is active. ring-caps-lock-color=ff0000ff #Sets the color of the ring of the indicator when verifying. ring-ver-color=68986aff #Sets the color of the ring of the indicator when invalid. ring-wrong-color=cc241dff #Sets the color of the lines that separate highlight segments. separator-color=282828ff #Sets the color of the text. text-color=0000ffff #Sets the color of the text when cleared. text-clear-color=a89984ff #Sets the color of the text when Caps Lock is active. text-caps-lock-color=d79921ff #Sets the color of the text when verifying. text-ver-color=68986aff #Sets the color of the text when invalid. text-wrong-color=cc241dff