--- ### Git LUA API -- -- This module can be loaded with `local git = require "core.utils.git"` -- -- @module core.utils.git -- @copyright 2022 -- @license GNU General Public License v3.0 local git = { url = "https://github.com/" } --- Run a git command from the AstroNvim installation directory -- @param args the git arguments -- @return the result of the command or nil if unsuccessful function git.cmd(args, ...) return astronvim.cmd("git -C " .. astronvim.install.home .. " " .. args, ...) end --- Check if the AstroNvim is able to reach the `git` command -- @return the result of running `git --help` function git.available() return vim.fn.executable "git" == 1 end --- Check if the AstroNvim home is a git repo -- @return the result of the command function git.is_repo() return git.cmd("rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree", false) end --- Fetch git remote -- @param remote the remote to fetch -- @return the result of the command function git.fetch(remote, ...) return git.cmd("fetch " .. remote, ...) end --- Pull the git repo -- @return the result of the command function git.pull(...) return git.cmd("pull --rebase", ...) end --- Checkout git target -- @param dest the target to checkout -- @return the result of the command function git.checkout(dest, ...) return git.cmd("checkout " .. dest, ...) end --- Hard reset to a git target -- @param dest the target to hard reset to -- @return the result of the command function git.hard_reset(dest, ...) return git.cmd("reset --hard " .. dest, ...) end --- Check if a branch contains a commit -- @param remote the git remote to check -- @param branch the git branch to check -- @param commit the git commit to check for -- @return the result of the command function git.branch_contains(remote, branch, commit, ...) return git.cmd("merge-base --is-ancestor " .. commit .. " " .. remote .. "/" .. branch, ...) ~= nil end --- Add a git remote -- @param remote the remote to add -- @param url the url of the remote -- @return the result of the command function git.remote_add(remote, url, ...) return git.cmd("remote add " .. remote .. " " .. url, ...) end --- Update a git remote URL -- @param remote the remote to update -- @param url the new URL of the remote -- @return the result of the command function git.remote_update(remote, url, ...) return git.cmd("remote set-url " .. remote .. " " .. url, ...) end --- Get the URL of a given git remote -- @param remote the remote to get the URL of -- @return the url of the remote function git.remote_url(remote, ...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("remote get-url " .. remote, ...)) end --- Get the current version with git describe including tags -- @return the current git describe string function git.current_version(...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("describe --tags", ...)) end --- Get the current branch -- @return the branch of the AstroNvim installation function git.current_branch(...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", ...)) end --- Get the current head of the git repo -- @return the head string function git.local_head(...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("rev-parse HEAD", ...)) end --- Get the current head of a git remote -- @param remote the remote to check -- @param branch the branch to check -- @return the head string of the remote branch function git.remote_head(remote, branch, ...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("rev-list -n 1 " .. remote .. "/" .. branch, ...)) end --- Get the commit hash of a given tag -- @param tag the tag to resolve -- @return the commit hash of a git tag function git.tag_commit(tag, ...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("rev-list -n 1 " .. tag, ...)) end --- Get the commit log between two commit hashes -- @param start_hash the start commit hash -- @param end_hash the end commit hash -- @return an array like table of commit messages function git.get_commit_range(start_hash, end_hash, ...) local range = "" if start_hash and end_hash then range = start_hash .. ".." .. end_hash end local log = git.cmd('log --no-merges --pretty="format:[%h] %s" ' .. range, ...) return log and vim.fn.split(log, "\n") or {} end --- Get a list of all tags with a regex filter -- @param search a regex to search the tags with (defaults to "v*" for version tags) -- @return an array like table of tags that match the search function git.get_versions(search, ...) local tags = git.cmd('tag -l --sort=version:refname "' .. (search == "latest" and "v*" or search) .. '"', ...) return tags and vim.fn.split(tags, "\n") or {} end --- Get the latest version of a list of versions -- @param versions a list of versions to search (defaults to all versions available) -- @return the latest version from the array function git.latest_version(versions, ...) if not versions then versions = git.get_versions(...) end return versions[#versions] end --- Parse a remote url -- @param str the remote to parse to a full git url -- @return the full git url for the given remote string function git.parse_remote_url(str) return vim.fn.match(str, astronvim.url_matcher) == -1 and git.url .. str .. (vim.fn.match(str, "/") == -1 and "/AstroNvim.git" or ".git") or str end --- Check if a Conventional Commit commit message is breaking or not -- @param commit a commit message -- @return boolean true if the message is breaking, false if the commit message is not breaking function git.is_breaking(commit) return vim.fn.match(commit, "\\[.*\\]\\s\\+\\w\\+\\((\\w\\+)\\)\\?!:") ~= -1 end --- Get a list of breaking commits from commit messages using Conventional Commit standard -- @param commits an array like table of commit messages -- @return an array like table of commits that are breaking function git.breaking_changes(commits) return vim.tbl_filter(git.is_breaking, commits) end --- Generate a table of commit messages for neovim's echo API with highlighting -- @param commits an array like table of commit messages -- @return an array like table of echo messages to provide to nvim_echo or astronvim.echo function git.pretty_changelog(commits) local changelog = {} for _, commit in ipairs(commits) do local hash, type, msg = commit:match "(%[.*%])(.*:)(.*)" if hash and type and msg then vim.list_extend( changelog, { { hash, "DiffText" }, { type, git.is_breaking(commit) and "DiffDelete" or "DiffChange" }, { msg }, { "\n" } } ) end end return changelog end return git