local packer = require("packer") local use = packer.use local packer_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data").."/site/pack/packer/start/" describe("Packer use tests", function() after_each(function() packer.reset() end) it("should set the correct install path", function () local spec = {"test/plugin1"} packer.startup(function() use(spec) end) packer.__manage_all() assert.truthy(spec.install_path) assert.equal(spec.install_path, packer_path .. spec.short_name) end) it("should add metadata to a plugin from a spec", function () local spec = {"test/plugin1"} packer.startup(function() use(spec) end) packer.__manage_all() assert.equal(spec.name, "test/plugin1") assert.equal(spec.path, "test/plugin1") end) end)