# vim: ft=sh #TODO: Convert to systemd services, where reasonable ################################################################################ # Background utilities ################################################################################ # SSH Add - Should be started by profile instead # exec eval `ssh-agent -a ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}` exec ssh-add & # Automatically restore last used output configuration # TODO: Need to add fail-safe to script in case the outputs are unavailable exec $HOME/scripts/sway/displays.pl & # Enable automatic color temperature change exec ${HOME}/scripts/sway/gammastep.pl & # Notification daemon exec mako & # Tray icons # TODO: Orage is dead. Find a new calendaring solution exec squeekboard-restyled & exec blueman-applet & exec nextcloud & exec pasystray & ################################################################################ # Applications by workspace ################################################################################ # 0:cal # TODO: as above, need new calendaring solution. # 1:chat # TODO: Figure out Zith; normal weechat is a placeholder exec xterm -e /bin/bash -c "ssh -i ~/.ssh/no_pass jpm@john.me.tz -t 'screen -x weechat'" & exec flatpak run com.mattermost.Desktop & exec flatpak run chat.rocket.RocketChat & # 2:mail - Should also prompt for keyring exec flatpak run org.mozilla.Thunderbird & # 3:chrm # Don't launch chromium because it hogs resources # exec chromium & # 5:call # Currently preferring mobile #exec linphone & # 7:FF Dev edition exec flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox & # 9:Git (gittyup) exec flatpak run com.github.Murmele.Gittyup & # 0:Hud exec flatpak run com.github.Eloston.UngoogledChromium --app="https://papillon.john.me.tz/hud.php?theme=dark&refresh=3600"