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--- ### AstroNvim Status
-- This module is automatically loaded by AstroNvim on during it's initialization into global variable `astronvim.status`
-- This module can also be manually loaded with `local status = require "core.utils.status"`
-- @module core.utils.status
-- @copyright 2022
-- @license GNU General Public License v3.0
astronvim.status = { hl = {}, init = {}, provider = {}, condition = {}, component = {}, utils = {}, env = {} }
astronvim.status.env.modes = {
["n"] = { "NORMAL", "normal" },
["no"] = { "OP", "normal" },
["nov"] = { "OP", "normal" },
["noV"] = { "OP", "normal" },
["no"] = { "OP", "normal" },
["niI"] = { "NORMAL", "normal" },
["niR"] = { "NORMAL", "normal" },
["niV"] = { "NORMAL", "normal" },
["i"] = { "INSERT", "insert" },
["ic"] = { "INSERT", "insert" },
["ix"] = { "INSERT", "insert" },
["t"] = { "TERM", "terminal" },
["nt"] = { "TERM", "terminal" },
["v"] = { "VISUAL", "visual" },
["vs"] = { "VISUAL", "visual" },
["V"] = { "LINES", "visual" },
["Vs"] = { "LINES", "visual" },
[""] = { "BLOCK", "visual" },
["s"] = { "BLOCK", "visual" },
["R"] = { "REPLACE", "replace" },
["Rc"] = { "REPLACE", "replace" },
["Rx"] = { "REPLACE", "replace" },
["Rv"] = { "V-REPLACE", "replace" },
["s"] = { "SELECT", "visual" },
["S"] = { "SELECT", "visual" },
[""] = { "BLOCK", "visual" },
["c"] = { "COMMAND", "command" },
["cv"] = { "COMMAND", "command" },
["ce"] = { "COMMAND", "command" },
["r"] = { "PROMPT", "inactive" },
["rm"] = { "MORE", "inactive" },
["r?"] = { "CONFIRM", "inactive" },
["!"] = { "SHELL", "inactive" },
["null"] = { "null", "inactive" },
astronvim.status.env.separators = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("heirline.separators", {
none = { "", "" },
left = { "", " " },
right = { " ", "" },
center = { " ", " " },
tab = { "", " " },
astronvim.status.env.attributes = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("heirline.attributes", {
buffer_active = { bold = true, italic = true },
buffer_picker = { bold = true },
macro_recording = { bold = true },
git_branch = { bold = true },
git_diff = { bold = true },
astronvim.status.env.icon_highlights = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("heirline.icon_highlights", {
file_icon = {
tabline = function(self) return self.is_active or self.is_visible end,
statusline = true,
local function pattern_match(str, pattern_list)
for _, pattern in ipairs(pattern_list) do
if str:find(pattern) then return true end
return false
astronvim.status.env.buf_matchers = {
filetype = function(pattern_list, bufnr) return pattern_match(vim.bo[bufnr or 0].filetype, pattern_list) end,
buftype = function(pattern_list, bufnr) return pattern_match(vim.bo[bufnr or 0].buftype, pattern_list) end,
bufname = function(pattern_list, bufnr)
return pattern_match(vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr or 0), ":t"), pattern_list)
--- Get the highlight background color of the lualine theme for the current colorscheme
-- @param mode the neovim mode to get the color of
-- @param fallback the color to fallback on if a lualine theme is not present
-- @return The background color of the lualine theme or the fallback parameter if one doesn't exist
function astronvim.status.hl.lualine_mode(mode, fallback)
local lualine_avail, lualine = pcall(require, "lualine.themes." .. (vim.g.colors_name or "default_theme"))
local lualine_opts = lualine_avail and lualine[mode]
return lualine_opts and type(lualine_opts.a) == "table" and lualine_opts.a.bg or fallback
--- Get the highlight for the current mode
-- @return the highlight group for the current mode
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", hl = astronvim.status.hl.mode },
function astronvim.status.hl.mode() return { bg = astronvim.status.hl.mode_bg() } end
--- Get the foreground color group for the current mode, good for usage with Heirline surround utility
-- @return the highlight group for the current mode foreground
-- @usage local heirline_component = require("heirline.utils").surround({ "|", "|" }, astronvim.status.hl.mode_bg, heirline_component),
function astronvim.status.hl.mode_bg() return astronvim.status.env.modes[vim.fn.mode()][2] end
--- Get the foreground color group for the current filetype
-- @return the highlight group for the current filetype foreground
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.fileicon(), hl = astronvim.status.hl.filetype_color },
function astronvim.status.hl.filetype_color(self)
local devicons_avail, devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons")
if not devicons_avail then return {} end
local _, color = devicons.get_icon_color(
vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(self and self.bufnr or 0), ":t"),
{ default = true }
return { fg = color }
--- Merge the color and attributes from user settings for a given name
-- @param name string, the name of the element to get the attributes and colors for
-- @param include_bg boolean whether or not to include background color (Default: false)
-- @return a table of highlight information
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes("treesitter") },
function astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes(name, include_bg)
local hl = astronvim.status.env.attributes[name] or {}
hl.fg = name .. "_fg"
if include_bg then hl.bg = name .. "_bg" end
return hl
--- Enable filetype color highlight if enabled in icon_highlights.file_icon options
-- @param name string of the icon_highlights.file_icon table element
-- @return function for setting hl property in a component
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", hl = astronvim.status.hl.file_icon("winbar") },
function astronvim.status.hl.file_icon(name)
return function(self)
local hl_enabled = astronvim.status.env.icon_highlights.file_icon[name]
if type(hl_enabled) == "function" then hl_enabled = hl_enabled(self) end
if hl_enabled then return astronvim.status.hl.filetype_color(self) end
--- An `init` function to build a set of children components for LSP breadcrumbs
-- @param opts options for configuring the breadcrumbs (default: `{ separator = " > ", icon = { enabled = true, hl = false }, padding = { left = 0, right = 0 } }`)
-- @return The Heirline init function
-- @usage local heirline_component = { init = astronvim.status.init.breadcrumbs { padding = { left = 1 } } }
function astronvim.status.init.breadcrumbs(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
separator = " > ",
icon = { enabled = true, hl = astronvim.status.env.icon_highlights.breadcrumbs },
padding = { left = 0, right = 0 },
return function(self)
local data = require("aerial").get_location(true) or {}
local children = {}
-- create a child for each level
for i, d in ipairs(data) do
local pos = astronvim.status.utils.encode_pos(d.lnum, d.col, self.winnr)
local child = {
{ provider = string.gsub(d.name, "%%", "%%%%"):gsub("%s*->%s*", "") }, -- add symbol name
on_click = { -- add on click function
minwid = pos,
callback = function(_, minwid)
local lnum, col, winnr = astronvim.status.utils.decode_pos(minwid)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(vim.fn.win_getid(winnr), { lnum, col })
name = "heirline_breadcrumbs",
if opts.icon.enabled then -- add icon and highlight if enabled
local hl = opts.icon.hl
if type(hl) == "function" then hl = hl(self) end
table.insert(child, 1, {
provider = string.format("%s ", d.icon),
hl = hl and string.format("Aerial%sIcon", d.kind) or nil,
if #data > 1 and i < #data then table.insert(child, { provider = opts.separator }) end -- add a separator only if needed
table.insert(children, child)
if opts.padding.left > 0 then -- add left padding
table.insert(children, 1, { provider = astronvim.pad_string(" ", { left = opts.padding.left - 1 }) })
if opts.padding.right > 0 then -- add right padding
table.insert(children, { provider = astronvim.pad_string(" ", { right = opts.padding.right - 1 }) })
-- instantiate the new child
self[1] = self:new(children, 1)
--- An `init` function to build multiple update events which is not supported yet by Heirline's update field
-- @param opts an array like table of autocmd events as either just a string or a table with custom patterns and callbacks.
-- @return The Heirline init function
-- @usage local heirline_component = { init = astronvim.status.init.update_events { "BufEnter", { "User", pattern = "LspProgressUpdate" } } }
function astronvim.status.init.update_events(opts)
return function(self)
if not rawget(self, "once") then
local clear_cache = function() self._win_cache = nil end
for _, event in ipairs(opts) do
local event_opts = { callback = clear_cache }
if type(event) == "table" then
event_opts.pattern = event.pattern
event_opts.callback = event.callback or clear_cache
event.pattern = nil
event.callback = nil
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd(event, event_opts)
self.once = true
--- A provider function for the fill string
-- @return the statusline string for filling the empty space
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.fill }
function astronvim.status.provider.fill() return "%=" end
--- A provider function for the current tab numbre
-- @return the statusline function to return a string for a tab number
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.tabnr() }
function astronvim.status.provider.tabnr()
return function(self) return (self and self.tabnr) and "%" .. self.tabnr .. "T " .. self.tabnr .. " %T" or "" end
--- A provider function for showing if spellcheck is on
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting if spell is enabled
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.spell() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.spell(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { str = "", icon = { kind = "Spellcheck" }, show_empty = true })
return function() return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(vim.wo.spell and opts.str, opts) end
--- A provider function for showing if paste is enabled
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting if paste is enabled
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.paste() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.paste(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { str = "", icon = { kind = "Paste" }, show_empty = true })
return function() return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(vim.opt.paste:get() and opts.str, opts) end
--- A provider function for displaying if a macro is currently being recorded
-- @param opts a prefix before the recording register and options passed to the stylize function
-- @return a function that returns a string of the current recording status
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.macro_recording() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.macro_recording(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { prefix = "@" })
return function()
local register = vim.fn.reg_recording()
if register ~= "" then register = opts.prefix .. register end
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(register, opts)
--- A provider function for displaying the current search count
-- @param opts options for `vim.fn.searchcount` and options passed to the stylize function
-- @return a function that returns a string of the current search location
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.search_count() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.search_count(opts)
local search_func = vim.tbl_isempty(opts or {}) and function() return vim.fn.searchcount() end
or function() return vim.fn.searchcount(opts) end
return function()
local search_ok, search = pcall(search_func)
if search_ok and type(search) == "table" and search.total then
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(
search.current > search.maxcount and ">" or "",
math.min(search.current, search.maxcount),
search.incomplete == 2 and ">" or "",
math.min(search.total, search.maxcount)
--- A provider function for showing the text of the current vim mode
-- @param opts options for padding the text and options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for displaying the text of the current vim mode
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.mode_text() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.mode_text(opts)
local max_length =
math.max(unpack(vim.tbl_map(function(str) return #str[1] end, vim.tbl_values(astronvim.status.env.modes))))
return function()
local text = astronvim.status.env.modes[vim.fn.mode()][1]
if opts.pad_text then
local padding = max_length - #text
if opts.pad_text == "right" then
text = string.rep(" ", padding) .. text
elseif opts.pad_text == "left" then
text = text .. string.rep(" ", padding)
elseif opts.pad_text == "center" then
text = string.rep(" ", math.floor(padding / 2)) .. text .. string.rep(" ", math.ceil(padding / 2))
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(text, opts)
--- A provider function for showing the percentage of the current location in a document
-- @param opts options for Top/Bot text, fixed width, and options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the statusline string for displaying the percentage of current document location
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.percentage() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.percentage(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { fixed_width = false, edge_text = true })
return function()
local text = "%" .. (opts.fixed_width and "3" or "") .. "p%%"
if opts.edge_text then
local current_line = vim.fn.line "."
if current_line == 1 then
text = (opts.fixed_width and " " or "") .. "Top"
elseif current_line == vim.fn.line "$" then
text = (opts.fixed_width and " " or "") .. "Bot"
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(text, opts)
--- A provider function for showing the current line and character in a document
-- @param opts options for padding the line and character locations and options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the statusline string for showing location in document line_num:char_num
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.ruler({ pad_ruler = { line = 3, char = 2 } }) }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.ruler(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { pad_ruler = { line = 0, char = 0 } })
local padding_str = string.format("%%%dd:%%%dd", opts.pad_ruler.line, opts.pad_ruler.char)
return function()
local line = vim.fn.line "."
local char = vim.fn.virtcol "."
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(string.format(padding_str, line, char), opts)
--- A provider function for showing the current location as a scrollbar
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the scrollbar
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.scrollbar() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.scrollbar(opts)
local sbar = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }
return function()
local curr_line = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]
local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)
local i = math.floor((curr_line - 1) / lines * #sbar) + 1
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(string.rep(sbar[i], 2), opts)
--- A provider to simply show a cloes button icon
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function and the kind of icon to use
-- @return return the stylized icon
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.close_button() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.close_button(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { kind = "BufferClose" })
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(astronvim.get_icon(opts.kind), opts)
--- A provider function for showing the current filetype
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the filetype
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.filetype() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.filetype(opts)
return function(self)
local buffer = vim.bo[self and self.bufnr or 0]
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(string.lower(buffer.filetype), opts)
--- A provider function for showing the current filename
-- @param opts options for argument to fnamemodify to format filename and options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the filename
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.filename() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.filename(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(
{ fallback = "[No Name]", fname = function(nr) return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(nr) end, modify = ":t" }
return function(self)
local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(opts.fname(self and self.bufnr or 0), opts.modify)
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize((filename == "" and opts.fallback or filename), opts)
--- Get a unique filepath between all buffers
-- @param opts options for function to get the buffer name, a buffer number, max length, and options passed to the stylize function
-- @return path to file that uniquely identifies each buffer
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.unique_path() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.unique_path(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
buf_name = function(bufnr) return vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr), ":t") end,
bufnr = 0,
max_length = 16,
return function(self)
opts.bufnr = self and self.bufnr or opts.bufnr
local name = opts.buf_name(opts.bufnr)
local unique_path = ""
-- check for same buffer names under different dirs
-- TODO v3: remove get_valid_buffers
for _, value in ipairs(vim.g.heirline_bufferline and vim.t.bufs or astronvim.status.utils.get_valid_buffers()) do
if name == opts.buf_name(value) and value ~= opts.bufnr then
local other = {}
for match in (vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(value) .. "/"):gmatch("(.-)" .. "/") do
table.insert(other, match)
local current = {}
for match in (vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(opts.bufnr) .. "/"):gmatch("(.-)" .. "/") do
table.insert(current, match)
unique_path = ""
for i = #current - 1, 1, -1 do
local value_current = current[i]
local other_current = other[i]
if value_current ~= other_current then
unique_path = value_current .. "/"
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(
opts.max_length > 0
and #unique_path > opts.max_length
and string.sub(unique_path, 1, opts.max_length - 2) .. astronvim.get_icon "Ellipsis" .. "/"
) or unique_path,
--- A provider function for showing if the current file is modifiable
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the indicator if the file is modified
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.file_modified() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.file_modified(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { str = "", icon = { kind = "FileModified" }, show_empty = true })
return function(self)
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(
astronvim.status.condition.file_modified((self or {}).bufnr) and opts.str,
--- A provider function for showing if the current file is read-only
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the indicator if the file is read-only
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.file_read_only() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.file_read_only(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { str = "", icon = { kind = "FileReadOnly" }, show_empty = true })
return function(self)
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(
astronvim.status.condition.file_read_only((self or {}).bufnr) and opts.str,
--- A provider function for showing the current filetype icon
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the filetype icon
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.file_icon() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.file_icon(opts)
return function(self)
local devicons_avail, devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons")
if not devicons_avail then return "" end
local ft_icon, _ = devicons.get_icon(
vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(self and self.bufnr or 0), ":t"),
{ default = true }
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(ft_icon, opts)
--- A provider function for showing the current git branch
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the git branch
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.git_branch() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.git_branch(opts)
return function(self) return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(vim.b[self and self.bufnr or 0].gitsigns_head or "", opts) end
--- A provider function for showing the current git diff count of a specific type
-- @param opts options for type of git diff and options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the git diff
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.git_diff({ type = "added" }) }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.git_diff(opts)
if not opts or not opts.type then return end
return function(self)
local status = vim.b[self and self.bufnr or 0].gitsigns_status_dict
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(
status and status[opts.type] and status[opts.type] > 0 and tostring(status[opts.type]) or "",
--- A provider function for showing the current diagnostic count of a specific severity
-- @param opts options for severity of diagnostic and options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the diagnostic count
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.diagnostics({ severity = "ERROR" }) }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.diagnostics(opts)
if not opts or not opts.severity then return end
return function(self)
local bufnr = self and self.bufnr or 0
local count = #vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr, opts.severity and { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity[opts.severity] })
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(count ~= 0 and tostring(count) or "", opts)
--- A provider function for showing the current progress of loading language servers
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the LSP progress
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.lsp_progress() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.lsp_progress(opts)
return function()
local Lsp = vim.lsp.util.get_progress_messages()[1]
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(
and string.format(
" %%<%s %s %s (%s%%%%) ",
astronvim.get_icon("LSP" .. ((Lsp.percentage or 0) >= 70 and { "Loaded", "Loaded", "Loaded" } or {
})[math.floor(vim.loop.hrtime() / 12e7) % 3 + 1]),
Lsp.title or "",
Lsp.message or "",
Lsp.percentage or 0
or "",
--- A provider function for showing the connected LSP client names
-- @param opts options for explanding null_ls clients, max width percentage, and options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting the LSP client names
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.lsp_client_names({ expand_null_ls = true, truncate = 0.25 }) }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.lsp_client_names(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { expand_null_ls = true, truncate = 0.25 })
return function(self)
local buf_client_names = {}
for _, client in pairs(vim.lsp.get_active_clients { bufnr = self and self.bufnr or 0 }) do
if client.name == "null-ls" and opts.expand_null_ls then
local null_ls_sources = {}
for _, type in ipairs { "FORMATTING", "DIAGNOSTICS" } do
for _, source in ipairs(astronvim.null_ls_sources(vim.bo.filetype, type)) do
null_ls_sources[source] = true
vim.list_extend(buf_client_names, vim.tbl_keys(null_ls_sources))
table.insert(buf_client_names, client.name)
local str = table.concat(buf_client_names, ", ")
if type(opts.truncate) == "number" then
local max_width = math.floor(astronvim.status.utils.width() * opts.truncate)
if #str > max_width then str = string.sub(str, 0, max_width) .. "" end
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(str, opts)
--- A provider function for showing if treesitter is connected
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the function for outputting TS if treesitter is connected
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.treesitter_status() }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.treesitter_status(opts)
return function()
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(require("nvim-treesitter.parser").has_parser() and "TS" or "", opts)
--- A provider function for displaying a single string
-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function
-- @return the stylized statusline string
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.str({ str = "Hello" }) }
-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize
function astronvim.status.provider.str(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { str = " " })
return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(opts.str, opts)
--- A condition function if the window is currently active
-- @return boolean of wether or not the window is currently actie
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_active }
function astronvim.status.condition.is_active() return vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() == tonumber(vim.g.actual_curwin) end
--- A condition function if the buffer filetype,buftype,bufname match a pattern
-- @param patterns the table of patterns to match
-- @param bufnr number of the buffer to match (Default: 0 [current])
-- @return boolean of wether or not LSP is attached
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = function() return astronvim.status.condition.buffer_matches { buftype = { "terminal" } } end }
function astronvim.status.condition.buffer_matches(patterns, bufnr)
for kind, pattern_list in pairs(patterns) do
if astronvim.status.env.buf_matchers[kind](pattern_list, bufnr) then return true end
return false
--- A condition function if a macro is being recorded
-- @return boolean of wether or not a macro is currently being recorded
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_macro_recording }
function astronvim.status.condition.is_macro_recording() return vim.fn.reg_recording() ~= "" end
--- A condition function if search is visible
-- @return boolean of wether or not searching is currently visible
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_hlsearch }
function astronvim.status.condition.is_hlsearch() return vim.v.hlsearch ~= 0 end
--- A condition function if the current file is in a git repo
-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer
-- @return boolean of wether or not the current file is in a git repo
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_git_repo }
function astronvim.status.condition.is_git_repo(bufnr)
if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end
return vim.b[bufnr or 0].gitsigns_head or vim.b[bufnr or 0].gitsigns_status_dict
--- A condition function if there are any git changes
-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer
-- @return boolean of wether or not there are any git changes
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.git_changed }
function astronvim.status.condition.git_changed(bufnr)
if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end
local git_status = vim.b[bufnr or 0].gitsigns_status_dict
return git_status and (git_status.added or 0) + (git_status.removed or 0) + (git_status.changed or 0) > 0
--- A condition function if the current buffer is modified
-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer
-- @return boolean of wether or not the current buffer is modified
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.file_modified }
function astronvim.status.condition.file_modified(bufnr)
if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end
return vim.bo[bufnr or 0].modified
--- A condition function if the current buffer is read only
-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer
-- @return boolean of wether or not the current buffer is read only or not modifiable
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.file_read_only }
function astronvim.status.condition.file_read_only(bufnr)
if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end
local buffer = vim.bo[bufnr or 0]
return not buffer.modifiable or buffer.readonly
--- A condition function if the current file has any diagnostics
-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer
-- @return boolean of wether or not the current file has any diagnostics
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.has_diagnostics }
function astronvim.status.condition.has_diagnostics(bufnr)
if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end
return vim.g.status_diagnostics_enabled and #vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr or 0) > 0
--- A condition function if there is a defined filetype
-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer
-- @return boolean of wether or not there is a filetype
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.has_filetype }
function astronvim.status.condition.has_filetype(bufnr)
if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end
return vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.expand "%:t") ~= 1 and vim.bo[bufnr or 0].filetype and vim.bo[bufnr or 0].filetype ~= ""
--- A condition function if Aerial is available
-- @return boolean of wether or not aerial plugin is installed
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.aerial_available }
-- function astronvim.status.condition.aerial_available() return astronvim.is_available "aerial.nvim" end
function astronvim.status.condition.aerial_available() return package.loaded["aerial"] end
--- A condition function if LSP is attached
-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer
-- @return boolean of wether or not LSP is attached
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.lsp_attached }
function astronvim.status.condition.lsp_attached(bufnr)
if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end
return next(vim.lsp.get_active_clients { bufnr = bufnr or 0 }) ~= nil
--- A condition function if treesitter is in use
-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer
-- @return boolean of wether or not treesitter is active
-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.treesitter_available }
function astronvim.status.condition.treesitter_available(bufnr)
if not package.loaded["nvim-treesitter"] then return false end
if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end
local parsers = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers"
return parsers.has_parser(parsers.get_buf_lang(bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()))
--- A utility function to stylize a string with an icon from lspkind, separators, and left/right padding
-- @param str the string to stylize
-- @param opts options of `{ padding = { left = 0, right = 0 }, separator = { left = "|", right = "|" }, show_empty = false, icon = { kind = "NONE", padding = { left = 0, right = 0 } } }`
-- @return the stylized string
-- @usage local string = astronvim.status.utils.stylize("Hello", { padding = { left = 1, right = 1 }, icon = { kind = "String" } })
function astronvim.status.utils.stylize(str, opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
padding = { left = 0, right = 0 },
separator = { left = "", right = "" },
show_empty = false,
icon = { kind = "NONE", padding = { left = 0, right = 0 } },
local icon = astronvim.pad_string(astronvim.get_icon(opts.icon.kind), opts.icon.padding)
return str
and (str ~= "" or opts.show_empty)
and opts.separator.left .. astronvim.pad_string(icon .. str, opts.padding) .. opts.separator.right
or ""
--- A Heirline component for filling in the empty space of the bar
-- @param opts options for configuring the other fields of the heirline component
-- @return The heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.fill()
function astronvim.status.component.fill(opts)
return astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { provider = astronvim.status.provider.fill() })
--- A function to build a set of children components for an entire file information section
-- @param opts options for configuring file_icon, filename, filetype, file_modified, file_read_only, and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.file_info()
function astronvim.status.component.file_info(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
file_icon = {
hl = astronvim.status.hl.file_icon "statusline",
padding = { left = 1, right = 1 },
filename = {},
file_modified = { padding = { left = 1 } },
file_read_only = { padding = { left = 1 } },
surround = { separator = "left", color = "file_info_bg", condition = astronvim.status.condition.has_filetype },
hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "file_info",
return astronvim.status.component.builder(astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, {
--- A function with different file_info defaults specifically for use in the tabline
-- @param opts options for configuring file_icon, filename, filetype, file_modified, file_read_only, and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.tabline_file_info()
function astronvim.status.component.tabline_file_info(opts)
return astronvim.status.component.file_info(astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
file_icon = {
condition = function(self) return not self._show_picker end,
hl = astronvim.status.hl.file_icon "tabline",
unique_path = {
hl = function(self) return astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes(self.tab_type .. "_path") end,
close_button = {
hl = function(self) return astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes(self.tab_type .. "_close") end,
padding = { left = 1, right = 1 },
on_click = {
callback = function(_, minwid) astronvim.close_buf(minwid) end,
minwid = function(self) return self.bufnr end,
name = "heirline_tabline_close_buffer_callback",
padding = { left = 1, right = 1 },
hl = function(self)
local tab_type = self.tab_type
if self._show_picker and self.tab_type ~= "buffer_active" then tab_type = "buffer_visible" end
return astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes(tab_type)
surround = false,
--- A function to build a set of children components for an entire navigation section
-- @param opts options for configuring ruler, percentage, scrollbar, and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.nav()
function astronvim.status.component.nav(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
ruler = {},
percentage = { padding = { left = 1 } },
scrollbar = { padding = { left = 1 }, hl = { fg = "scrollbar" } },
surround = { separator = "right", color = "nav_bg" },
hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "nav",
update = { "CursorMoved", "BufEnter" },
return astronvim.status.component.builder(
astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "ruler", "percentage", "scrollbar" })
--- A function to build a set of children components for a macro recording section
-- @param opts options for configuring macro recording and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.macro_recording()
-- TODO: deprecate on next major version release
function astronvim.status.component.macro_recording(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
macro_recording = { icon = { kind = "MacroRecording", padding = { right = 1 } } },
surround = {
separator = "center",
color = "macro_recording_bg",
condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_macro_recording,
hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "macro_recording",
update = { "RecordingEnter", "RecordingLeave" },
return astronvim.status.component.builder(astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "macro_recording" }))
--- A function to build a set of children components for information shown in the cmdline
-- @param opts options for configuring macro recording, search count, and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.cmd_info()
function astronvim.status.component.cmd_info(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
macro_recording = {
icon = { kind = "MacroRecording", padding = { right = 1 } },
condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_macro_recording,
update = { "RecordingEnter", "RecordingLeave" },
search_count = {
icon = { kind = "Search", padding = { right = 1 } },
padding = { left = 1 },
condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_hlsearch,
surround = {
separator = "center",
color = "cmd_info_bg",
condition = function()
return astronvim.status.condition.is_hlsearch() or astronvim.status.condition.is_macro_recording()
condition = function() return vim.opt.cmdheight:get() == 0 end,
hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "cmd_info",
return astronvim.status.component.builder(
astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "macro_recording", "search_count" })
--- A function to build a set of children components for a mode section
-- @param opts options for configuring mode_text, paste, spell, and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.mode { mode_text = true }
function astronvim.status.component.mode(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
mode_text = false,
paste = false,
spell = false,
surround = { separator = "left", color = astronvim.status.hl.mode_bg },
hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "mode",
update = "ModeChanged",
if not opts["mode_text"] then opts.str = { str = " " } end
return astronvim.status.component.builder(
astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "mode_text", "str", "paste", "spell" })
--- A function to build a set of children components for an LSP breadcrumbs section
-- @param opts options for configuring breadcrumbs and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.breadcumbs()
function astronvim.status.component.breadcrumbs(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(
{ padding = { left = 1 }, condition = astronvim.status.condition.aerial_available, update = "CursorMoved" }
opts.init = astronvim.status.init.breadcrumbs(opts)
return opts
--- A function to build a set of children components for a git branch section
-- @param opts options for configuring git branch and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.git_branch()
function astronvim.status.component.git_branch(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
git_branch = { icon = { kind = "GitBranch", padding = { right = 1 } } },
surround = { separator = "left", color = "git_branch_bg", condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_git_repo },
hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "git_branch",
on_click = {
name = "heirline_branch",
callback = function()
if astronvim.is_available "telescope.nvim" then
vim.defer_fn(function() require("telescope.builtin").git_branches() end, 100)
update = { "User", pattern = "GitSignsUpdate" },
init = astronvim.status.init.update_events { "BufEnter" },
return astronvim.status.component.builder(astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "git_branch" }))
--- A function to build a set of children components for a git difference section
-- @param opts options for configuring git changes and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.git_diff()
function astronvim.status.component.git_diff(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
added = { icon = { kind = "GitAdd", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } },
changed = { icon = { kind = "GitChange", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } },
removed = { icon = { kind = "GitDelete", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } },
hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "git_diff",
on_click = {
name = "heirline_git",
callback = function()
if astronvim.is_available "telescope.nvim" then
vim.defer_fn(function() require("telescope.builtin").git_status() end, 100)
surround = { separator = "left", color = "git_diff_bg", condition = astronvim.status.condition.git_changed },
update = { "User", pattern = "GitSignsUpdate" },
init = astronvim.status.init.update_events { "BufEnter" },
return astronvim.status.component.builder(
astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "added", "changed", "removed" }, function(p_opts, provider)
local out = astronvim.status.utils.build_provider(p_opts, provider)
if out then
out.provider = "git_diff"
out.opts.type = provider
if out.hl == nil then out.hl = { fg = "git_" .. provider } end
return out
--- A function to build a set of children components for a diagnostics section
-- @param opts options for configuring diagnostic providers and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.diagnostics()
function astronvim.status.component.diagnostics(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
ERROR = { icon = { kind = "DiagnosticError", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } },
WARN = { icon = { kind = "DiagnosticWarn", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } },
INFO = { icon = { kind = "DiagnosticInfo", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } },
HINT = { icon = { kind = "DiagnosticHint", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } },
surround = { separator = "left", color = "diagnostics_bg", condition = astronvim.status.condition.has_diagnostics },
hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "diagnostics",
on_click = {
name = "heirline_diagnostic",
callback = function()
if astronvim.is_available "telescope.nvim" then
vim.defer_fn(function() require("telescope.builtin").diagnostics() end, 100)
update = { "DiagnosticChanged", "BufEnter" },
return astronvim.status.component.builder(
astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "HINT" }, function(p_opts, provider)
local out = astronvim.status.utils.build_provider(p_opts, provider)
if out then
out.provider = "diagnostics"
out.opts.severity = provider
if out.hl == nil then out.hl = { fg = "diag_" .. provider } end
return out
--- A function to build a set of children components for a Treesitter section
-- @param opts options for configuring diagnostic providers and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.treesitter()
function astronvim.status.component.treesitter(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
str = { str = "TS", icon = { kind = "ActiveTS" } },
surround = {
separator = "right",
color = "treesitter_bg",
condition = astronvim.status.condition.treesitter_available,
hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "treesitter",
update = { "OptionSet", pattern = "syntax" },
init = astronvim.status.init.update_events { "BufEnter" },
return astronvim.status.component.builder(astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "str" }))
--- A function to build a set of children components for an LSP section
-- @param opts options for configuring lsp progress and client_name providers and the overall padding
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.lsp()
function astronvim.status.component.lsp(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, {
lsp_progress = {
str = "",
padding = { right = 1 },
update = { "User", pattern = { "LspProgressUpdate", "LspRequest" } },
lsp_client_names = {
str = "LSP",
update = { "LspAttach", "LspDetach", "BufEnter" },
icon = { kind = "ActiveLSP", padding = { right = 2 } },
hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "lsp",
surround = { separator = "right", color = "lsp_bg", condition = astronvim.status.condition.lsp_attached },
on_click = {
name = "heirline_lsp",
callback = function()
vim.defer_fn(function() vim.cmd.LspInfo() end, 100)
return astronvim.status.component.builder(
{ "lsp_progress", "lsp_client_names" },
function(p_opts, provider, i)
return p_opts
and {
flexible = i,
astronvim.status.utils.build_provider(p_opts, astronvim.status.provider[provider](p_opts)),
astronvim.status.utils.build_provider(p_opts, astronvim.status.provider.str(p_opts)),
or false
--- A general function to build a section of astronvim status providers with highlights, conditions, and section surrounding
-- @param opts a list of components to build into a section
-- @return The Heirline component table
-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.components.builder({ { provider = "file_icon", opts = { padding = { right = 1 } } }, { provider = "filename" } })
function astronvim.status.component.builder(opts)
opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { padding = { left = 0, right = 0 } })
local children = {}
if opts.padding.left > 0 then -- add left padding
table.insert(children, { provider = astronvim.pad_string(" ", { left = opts.padding.left - 1 }) })
for key, entry in pairs(opts) do
type(key) == "number"
and type(entry) == "table"
and astronvim.status.provider[entry.provider]
and (entry.opts == nil or type(entry.opts) == "table")
entry.provider = astronvim.status.provider[entry.provider](entry.opts)
children[key] = entry
if opts.padding.right > 0 then -- add right padding
table.insert(children, { provider = astronvim.pad_string(" ", { right = opts.padding.right - 1 }) })
return opts.surround
and astronvim.status.utils.surround(
or children
--- Convert a component parameter table to a table that can be used with the component builder
-- @param opts a table of provider options
-- @param provider a provider in `astronvim.status.providers`
-- @return the provider table that can be used in `astronvim.status.component.builder`
function astronvim.status.utils.build_provider(opts, provider, _)
return opts
and {
provider = provider,
opts = opts,
condition = opts.condition,
on_click = opts.on_click,
update = opts.update,
hl = opts.hl,
or false
--- Convert key/value table of options to an array of providers for the component builder
-- @param opts the table of options for the components
-- @param providers an ordered list like array of providers that are configured in the options table
-- @param setup a function that takes provider options table, provider name, provider index and returns the setup provider table, optional, default is `astronvim.status.utils.build_provider`
-- @return the fully setup options table with the appropriately ordered providers
function astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, providers, setup)
setup = setup or astronvim.status.utils.build_provider
for i, provider in ipairs(providers) do
opts[i] = setup(opts[provider], provider, i)
return opts
--- A utility function to get the width of the bar
-- @param is_winbar boolean true if you want the width of the winbar, false if you want the statusline width
-- @return the width of the specified bar
function astronvim.status.utils.width(is_winbar)
return vim.o.laststatus == 3 and not is_winbar and vim.o.columns or vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0)
--- Surround component with separator and color adjustment
-- @param separator the separator index to use in `astronvim.status.env.separators`
-- @param color the color to use as the separator foreground/component background
-- @param component the component to surround
-- @param condition the condition for displaying the surrounded component
-- @return the new surrounded component
function astronvim.status.utils.surround(separator, color, component, condition)
local function surround_color(self)
local colors = type(color) == "function" and color(self) or color
return type(colors) == "string" and { main = colors } or colors
separator = type(separator) == "string" and astronvim.status.env.separators[separator] or separator
local surrounded = { condition = condition }
if separator[1] ~= "" then
table.insert(surrounded, {
provider = separator[1],
hl = function(self)
local s_color = surround_color(self)
if s_color then return { fg = s_color.main, bg = s_color.left } end
table.insert(surrounded, {
hl = function(self)
local s_color = surround_color(self)
if s_color then return { bg = s_color.main } end
astronvim.default_tbl({}, component),
if separator[2] ~= "" then
table.insert(surrounded, {
provider = separator[2],
hl = function(self)
local s_color = surround_color(self)
if s_color then return { fg = s_color.main, bg = s_color.right } end
return surrounded
--- Check if a buffer is valid
-- @param bufnr the buffer to check
-- @return true if the buffer is valid or false
function astronvim.status.utils.is_valid_buffer(bufnr) -- TODO v3: remove this function
if not bufnr or bufnr < 1 then return false end
return vim.bo[bufnr].buflisted and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr)
--- Get all valid buffers
-- @return array-like table of valid buffer numbers
function astronvim.status.utils.get_valid_buffers() -- TODO v3: remove this function
return vim.tbl_filter(astronvim.status.utils.is_valid_buffer, vim.api.nvim_list_bufs())
--- Encode a position to a single value that can be decoded later
-- @param line line number of position
-- @param col column number of position
-- @param winnr a window number
-- @return the encoded position
function astronvim.status.utils.encode_pos(line, col, winnr)
return bit.bor(bit.lshift(line, 16), bit.lshift(col, 6), winnr)
--- Decode a previously encoded position to it's sub parts
-- @param c the encoded position
-- @return line number, column number, window id
function astronvim.status.utils.decode_pos(c)
return bit.rshift(c, 16), bit.band(bit.rshift(c, 6), 1023), bit.band(c, 63)
return astronvim.status