.dotfiles/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/table/clear.lua

18 lines
816 B

---@meta table.clear
---@version JIT
---This clears all keys and values from a table, but preserves the allocated array/hash sizes. This is useful when a table, which is linked from multiple places, needs to be cleared and/or when recycling a table for use by the same context. This avoids managing backlinks, saves an allocation and the overhead of incremental array/hash part growth. The function needs to be required before use.
--- require("table.clear").
---Please note this function is meant for very specific situations. In most cases it's better to replace the (usually single) link with a new table and let the GC do its work.
---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.clear)
---@param tab table
local function clear(tab) end
return clear