Comprehensive working version

Code could be cleaned, but all functions seem to work
This commit is contained in:
John Mertz 2022-12-20 02:30:34 -05:00
parent acc4250cd8
commit 53fb986994
Signed by: jpm
GPG Key ID: E9C5EA2D867501AB
4 changed files with 491 additions and 234 deletions

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ and will output to the file:
See the C<write*> methods for more information on this formatting. Also see
See the C<generate*> methods for more information on this formatting. Also see
the C<new> method for discussion of the 'id'.
Finally, a like file:
@ -134,10 +134,17 @@ our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
@ -145,10 +152,12 @@ our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
@ -280,6 +289,7 @@ sub setId
if (defined($id)) {
$id = uc($id);
return "Must start with a letter" unless ($id =~ m/^[A-Z]/);
$self->{'id'} = $id || return "Failed to set $id";
} else {
return "No ID provided\n";
@ -337,6 +347,7 @@ sub getFile
if (defined($self->{'file'})) {
return $self->{'file'};
return undef;
=head2 C<$kw->setFile()>
@ -352,8 +363,10 @@ sub setFile
if (defined($file)) {
$self->{'file'} = $file;
} else {
return "No File provided\n";
@ -409,6 +422,65 @@ sub setOutfile
=head2 C<$kw->getScoresOutfile()>
Getter for the output path for scores for the current C<$kw->{'file'}>.
sub getScoresOutfile
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || $self->{'file'};
$self->setScoresOutfile() unless (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{$file."_SCORES"}));
return $self->{'filemap'}->{$file."_SCORES"};
=head2 C<$kw->setScoresOutfile()>
Setter for the output path for scores for the current C<$kw->{'outfile'}>. Can
be defined manually with a scalar argument, otherwise the path is constructed
from the existing attributes.
sub setScoresOutfile
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
if (defined($path)) {
$self->{'filemap'}->{$self->{'file'}."_SCORES"} = $path || return "Failed to set $path";
return undef;
if ($self->{'joinScores'}) {
if ($self->{'singleOutfile'}) {
$self->setGlobalOutfile() unless (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}));
$self->{'filemap'}->{$self->{'file'}."_SCORES"} = $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'};
} else {
$self->setOutfile() unless (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{$self->{'file'}}));
$self->{'filemap'}->{$self->{'file'}."_SCORES"} = $self->{'filemap'}->{$self->{'file'}};
return undef;
} else {
if ($self->{'singleOutfile'}) {
$self->setGlobalScoresOutfile() unless (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'}));
$self->{'filemap'}->{$self->{'file'}."_SCORES"} = $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'};
return undef;
my $file = $self->{'file'};
$file =~ s/\//_/g; # Change dir slashes to _
$file =~ s/(\.[^\.]*)$//g; # Remove extensions
$file = uc($file); # Convert to uppercase for rule names
$self->{'filemap'}->{$self->{'file'}."_SCORES"} = $self->{'dir'}."/".$self->{'priority'} .
'_' . uc($self->{'id'}) .
'_' . $file .
=head2 C<$kw->getGlobalOutfile();>
Return the full path of the output file used for GLOBAL rules. If it is not yet
@ -468,7 +540,7 @@ sub setGlobalOutfile
$last = $file if (!defined($last) || $file gt $last);
my $file = $self->getDir().'/'.$self->getPriority()."_".$self->getId().".cf";
if ($file gt $last) {
if (defined($last) && $file gt $last) {
$self->{'filename'}->{'GLOBAL'} = $file;
return undef;
@ -484,32 +556,155 @@ sub setGlobalOutfile
return ("Cannot determine a valid GLOBAL output file\n");
=head2 C<$kw->scorefile($file);>
=head2 C<$kw->getGlobalScoresOutfile();>
Return the file to output scores for the current C<$file> or the one provided.
A provided C<$file> will be checked against both the keys and values of the
Return the full path of the output file used for GLOBAL rules. If it is not yet
defined, then C<setGlobalOutfile()> will be run first to try to set it. If this
fails, then nothing will be returned.
This will simply insert '_SCORES' just before the '.cf' extension.
sub getGlobalScoresOutfile
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'} if (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'}));
my $ret = $self->setGlobalScoresOutfile();
return $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'} unless ($ret);
=head2 C<$kw->setGlobalScoresOutfile($file);>
Set the output file for the scores associated with global rules. This file must
be either the same or alphabetically after the global rules file. C<$file> can
be used to bypass that check, but it might lead to rules that do not work.
Will try to select a filename as close to the existing output files as possible.
First it will simply copy the global rules file name if it is in C<joinScores>
mode. Then, it will try to simply append '_SCORES' to the base file name prior
to the extension. Next, if the priority is less than 99, it will simply
increment that. Finally, if will try to double the first '_'. If none of these
techniques work, it will return an error.
sub scorefile
sub setGlobalScoresOutfile
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || $self->getFile();
my $path = shift;
my $scorefile = $self->getOutfile($file);
unless (defined($scorefile)) {
foreach (keys(%{$self->{'filemap'}})) {
if ($self->{'filemap'}->{$_} eq $file) {
$scorefile = $file;
if (defined($path)) {
$self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'} = $path;
return undef;
$self->setGlobalOutfile() unless (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}));
if ($self->{'joinScores'}) {
$self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'} = $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'};
return undef;
if (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'}) && $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'} gt $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}) {
return undef;
my $file = $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'};
$file =~ s/\.cf$/;
if ($file gt $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}) {
$self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'} = $file;
return undef;
$file = $self->getDir().'/'.$self->getPriority()."_".$self->getId()."";
if ($file gt $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}) {
$self->{'filename'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'} = $file;
return undef;
my $gpriority = $self->{'filename'}->{'GLOBAL'};
$gpriority =~ s/^(\d\d).*/$1/;
$file = $self->getDir().'/'.($gpriority+1)."_".$self->getId()."" if ($gpriority < 99);
if ($file gt $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}) {
$self->{'filename'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'} = $file;
return undef;
$file = $self->{'filename'}->{'GLOBAL'};
$file =~ s/_/__/;
if ($file gt $self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}) {
$self->{'filename'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'} = $file;
return undef;
return ("Cannot determine a valid GLOBAL output file\n");
=head2 C<$kw->getOutput()>
Returns a reference to the output array buffer for the current C<$file>.
sub getOutput
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || $self->{'file'};
if ($self->{'singleOutfile'}) {
return \@{$self->{'output'}->{$self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}}};
} elsif (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{$file})) {
return \@{$self->{'output'}->{$self->{'filemap'}->{$file}}};
=head2 C<$kw->getScoresOutput()>
Returns a reference to the score output array buffer for the current C<$file>.
sub getScoresOutput
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || $self->{'file'};
$self->setScoreOutfile() unless (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{$file."_SCORES"}));
if ($self->{'joinScores'}) {
if ($self->{'singleOutfile'}) {
return \@{$self->{'output'}->{$self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}}};
} elsif (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{$file})) {
return \@{$self->{'output'}->{$self->{'filemap'}->{$file}}};
} else {
if ($self->{'singleOutfile'}) {
return \@{$self->{'output'}->{$self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'}}};
} elsif (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{$file})) {
return \@{$self->{'output'}->{$self->{'filemap'}->{$file."_SCORES"}}};
$scorefile =~ s/\.cf$/;
return $scorefile if ($scorefile =~ m/_SCORES\.cf$/);
=head2 C<$kw->getGlobalOutput()>
Returns a reference to the output array buffer for the GLOBAL file.
sub getGlobalOutput
my $self = shift;
$self->setGlobalOutfile() unless (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}));
return \@{$self->{'output'}->{$self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}}};
=head2 C<$kw->getGlobalScoresOutput()>
Returns a reference to the output array buffer for the GLOBAL scores file.
sub getGlobalScoresOutput
my $self = shift;
$self->setGlobalScoresOutfile unless (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'}));
if ($self->{'joinScores'}) {
return \@{$self->{'output'}->{$self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}}};
} else {
return \@{$self->{'output'}->{$self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'}}};
=head2 C<$kw->getFiles($regex);>
@ -571,16 +766,17 @@ sub nextFile
return 0;
=head2 C<$kw->clearFiles();>
=head2 C<$kw->clearFile();>
Clear the current file reference queue.
sub clearFiles
sub clearFile
my $self = shift;
delete($self->{'rules'}) || return "Failed to delete rules hash\n";
my $file = shift || $self->{'file'};
delete($self->{'rules'}->{$file}) || return "Failed to delete rules hash\n";
return 0;
@ -757,48 +953,6 @@ sub readLine
return ();
=head2 C<$kw->processMetas($outfile, $file);>
Create all of the component meta rules for the declared C<$file>. Those that
will be used for the standalone and count rules. Output to C<$outfile>. This
must be run before the other process methods and must be run for 'GLOBAL' first,
otherwise output will be invalid. Meta rules for file-specific words will not be
generated if they are also in the 'GLOBAL' group, instead the meta rules from
the 'GLOBAL' file will be used for the count rules in all other files. This
will prevent duplicates, but also requires that you not rename output files such
that the they appear before the 'GLOBAL' file (without '_C<$file>' at the end).
sub processMetas
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $rules = shift;
my $prefix = $self->{'id'};
my @words;
if ($file eq 'GLOBAL') {
@words = @{$rules->{'GLOBAL'}};
} else {
$prefix .= "_".$file;
foreach (keys(%{$rules->{$file}->{'groups'}})) {
next if (grep {/^$_$/} @{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{'GLOBAL'}});
foreach (keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{$self->{'file'}}->{'words'}})) {
next if (grep {/^$_$/} @{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{'GLOBAL'}});
next if (grep {/^$_$/} @words);
push (@words, $_);
foreach my $word (@words) {
$self->{'output'}->{$file} .=
"body\t__".$prefix."_".uc($word)."_BODY\t/\\b".$word."\\b/\n" .
"header\t__".$prefix."_".uc($word)."_SUBJ\tSubject =~ /\\b".$word."\\b/\n" .
"meta\t__".$prefix."_".uc($word)."\t( __".$prefix."_".uc($word)."_BODY || __".$prefix."_".uc($word)."_SUBJ )\n\n";
=head2 C<$kw->getPrefix($file);>
@ -809,13 +963,13 @@ Return a standardized rule prefix using C<id> and C<file>.
sub getPrefix
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || $self->getFile();
my $id = $self->getId();
my $file = $self->getFile();
$file =~ s/(?:.*\/)*(.*)\.cf/$1/;
return uc($id."_".$file);
$file =~ s/(?:.*\/)*(.*)\.cf/$1/ if (defined($file));
return uc($id.(defined($file) ? "_$file" : ''));
=head2 C<$kw->writeMetas($file);>
=head2 C<$kw->generateMetas($file);>
Write component rules for file in the current file, or one set by C<$file> to
make them available to all other rule types.
@ -829,38 +983,41 @@ subject header, then a 'meta' rule to connect them.
sub writeMetas
sub generateMetas
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || $self->getFile();
my $words = shift;
my $file = $self->getFile();
my $prefix = $self->getPrefix();
my $output = $self->getOutput();
my $scoresoutput = $self->getScoresOutput();
if ($self->{'debug'}) {
print STDERR "Writing Metas for $file\n";
if ($self->{'singleOutfile'}) {
"# Metas for ".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."\n".
"# Metas for $prefix\n".
print("# ".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'COMMENTS'}->{$_}."\n");
my %uniq = %{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}} || ();
foreach my $group ( keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}}) ) {
next if ($group eq 'COMMENT' || $group eq 'SCORED');
foreach ( @{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'SCORED'}} ) {
$uniq{$_} = 0 unless (defined($uniq{$_}));
my $output;
foreach ( sort(keys(%uniq)) ) {
if (defined($self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'COMMENTS'}->{$_})) {
print("# ".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'COMMENTS'}->{$_}."\n");
print("body __".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."_".uc($_).'_BODY /\b'.$_.'\b/'."\n");
print("header __".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."_".uc($_).'_SUBJ Subject =~ /\b'.$_.'\b/'."\n");
print("meta __".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."_".uc($_)." ( __".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."_BODY || __".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."_SUBJ )\n\n");
foreach my $word (keys(%{$words})) {
push(@{$output}, "# ".$words->{$word}."\n") if ($words->{$word});
"body __${prefix}_".uc($word).
"_BODY /\\b${word}\\b/\n",
"header __${prefix}_".uc($word).
"_SUBJ Subject =~ /\\b${word}\\b/\n",
"meta __${prefix}_".uc($word).
" ( __${prefix}_".uc($word)."_BODY || __${prefix}_".
uc($word)."_SUBJ )\n\n"
=head2 C<$kw->writeWords($file);>
=head2 C<$kw->generateScored($file);>
Write 'SCORED' word rules for file in the current file, or one set by C<$file>.
@ -872,88 +1029,96 @@ rule with a '__' prefix).
sub writeWords
sub generateScored
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || $self->getFile();
my $prefix = $self->getPrefix();
my $output = $self->getOutput();
my $scoreoutput = $self->getScoresOutput();
if ($self->{'singleOutfile'}) {
"# Words for ".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."\n".
"# Scored words for $prefix\n".
foreach ( keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'SCORED'}->{$_}}) ) {
print("meta ".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."_".uc($_).
" ( __".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."_".uc($_)." )\n"
foreach ( keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'SCORED'}}) ) {
push(@{$output}, "meta ${prefix}_".uc($_).
" ( __${prefix}_".uc($_)." )\n"
if (defined($self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'COMMENTS'}->{$_})) {
print("describe ".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."_".uc($_)." ".
push(@{$scoreoutput}, "describe ${prefix}_".uc($_)." ".
print("score ".$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'}."_".uc($_)." ".
"score ${prefix}_".uc($_)." ".
=head2 C<$kw->writeGroups($file);>
=head2 C<$kw->generateGroups($file);>
Write group rules for file in the current file, or one set by C<$file>. These
are a list of 'meta' rules where the component rules are all of the 'meta's in
the group for each of the available match counts.
meta KW_FILE_GROUP_1 ( ( __KW_WORD1 + __KW_WORD2 ) >= 1 )
meta KW_FILE_GROUP_1 ( __KW_WORD1 + __KW_WORD2 ) >= 1
describe KW_FILE_GROUP_1 Found 1 word(s) from GROUP
score KW_FILE_GROUP_1 0.01
meta KW_FILE_GROUP_2 ( ( __KW_WORD1 + __KW_WORD2 ) >= 2 )
meta KW_FILE_GROUP_2 ( __KW_WORD1 + __KW_WORD2 ) >= 2
describe KW_FILE_GROUP_2 Found 2 word(s) from GROUP
score KW_FILE_GROUP_2 0.01
sub writeGroups
sub generateGroups
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || $self->getFile();
my $prefix = $self->getPrefix();
my $prefix = $self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'PREFIX'};
my $output = $self->getOutput();
my $scoreoutput = $self->getScoresOutput();
if ($self->{'singleOutfile'}) {
"# Groups for ".$prefix."\n".
"# Groups for $prefix\n".
foreach my $group ( keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}}) ) {
next if ( $group eq 'COMMENT' || $group eq 'SCORED' );
print("# $group\n");
next if ( $group eq 'COMMENTS' || $group eq 'SCORED' );
push(@{$output}, "# $group\n");
my $gprefix = $prefix;
unless ($group eq 'LOCAL') {
$gprefix .= $group;
$gprefix .= '_'.$group;
my $start = "meta ".$gprefix."_";
my $words = " ( ( ";
foreach my $word ( keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{$group}}) ) {
$words .= "__".$prefix."_".$word." + ";
my $start = "meta ${gprefix}_";
my $words = " ( ";
foreach my $word ( @{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{$group}} ) {
$words .= "__${prefix}_".uc($word)." + ";
$words =~ s/\+ $/\) >= /;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= scalar(@{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{$group}}); $i++) {
my $line = $start.$i.$words.$i." )\n";
"describe ".$gprefix."_".$i." Found $i GLOBAL word(s) from ".$prefix."\n"
push(@{$output}, $start.$i.$words.$i."\n\n");
"describe ${gprefix}_$i Found $i $group word"
. ($i>1 ? 's' : '')." from $prefix\n",
"score ${gprefix}_$i 0.01\n\n"
print("score ".$gprefix."_".$i. " 0.01\n\n");
=head2 C<$kw->writeGlobals();>
=head2 C<$kw->generateGlobals();>
Write 'GLOBAL' group rules. Similar to C<writeGroups> except that component
Write 'GLOBAL' group rules. Similar to C<generateGroups> except that component
rules must be included from external files.
meta KW_1 ( ( __KW_FILE1_WORD + __KW_FILE2_WORD ) >= 1 )
@ -966,38 +1131,41 @@ rules must be included from external files.
sub writeGlobals
sub generateGlobals
my $self = shift;
my $outfile = $self->getGlobalOutfile();
"# Globals\n".
my $prefix = $self->getId();
my $start = "meta ".$prefix."_";
my $words = " ( ( ";
$self->setGlobalOutfile() unless (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL'}));
$self->setGlobalScoresOutfile() unless (defined($self->{'filemap'}->{'GLOBAL_SCORES'}));
my $output = $self->getGlobalOutput();
my $scoreoutput = $self->getGlobalScoresOutput();
if ($self->{'singleOutfile'}) {
"# Globals\n".
my $gprefix = $self->getPrefix();
my $start = "meta ${gprefix}_";
my $words = " ( ";
my $prefix;
foreach my $word ( keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{'GLOBAL'}}) ) {
$words .= "__".$self->{'rules'}->{'GLOBAL'}->{$word}."_".$word." + ";
$prefix = $self->getPrefix($self->{'rules'}->{'GLOBAL'}->{$word});
$words .= "__${prefix}_" . uc($word) . " + ";
$words =~ s/\+ $/\) >= /;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= scalar(@{$self->{'rules'}->{'GLOBAL'}}); $i++) {
my $line = $start.$i.$words.$i." )\n";
"describe ".$prefix."_".$i." Found $i GLOBAL word(s) from ".$prefix."\n"
for (my $i = 1; $i <= scalar(keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{'GLOBAL'}})); $i++) {
my $line = $start.$i.$words.$i."\n";
push(@{$output}, $line.($self->{'joinScores'} ? '' : "\n"));
push(@{$scoreoutput}, "describe ${gprefix}_${i} Found $i ".
"GLOBAL word(s) from ${gprefix}\n",
"score ${gprefix}_${i} 0.01\n\n"
print("score ".$prefix."_".$i. " 0.01\n\n");
sub writeScores
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
sub getDir
my $self = shift;
@ -1009,7 +1177,9 @@ sub setDir
my $self = shift;
my $dir = shift || ("$ENV{'PWD'}/$self->{'id'}");
$self->{'dir'} = $dir;
$dir =~ m/([^\0]+)/;
$self->{'dir'} = $1;
return undef;
sub createDir
@ -1025,19 +1195,25 @@ sub createDir
sub cleanDir
my $self = shift;
my @files = @_ || (keys(%{$self->{'filemap'}}));
my @files = @_;
unless (scalar(@files)) {
my %uniq;
foreach (keys(%{$self->{'filemap'}})) {
$uniq{$_} = 1;
@files = keys(%uniq);
foreach my $file (@files) {
if (-e $self->{'filemap'}->{$file}) {
if ($self->{'debug'}) {
print STDERR "Removing old file ".$self->{'filemap'}->{$file}."\n";
print "Removing old file ".$self->{'filemap'}->{$file}."\n";
#unlink($self->{'dir'}.'/'.$self->{'filemap'}->{'file'}) || die "Output file '".$self->{'filemap'}->{$file}."' already exists and could not be deleted\n";
unlink($self->{'filemap'}->{$file}) || die "Output file '".$self->{'filemap'}->{$file}."' exists and could not be deleted\n";
=head2 C<$kw->writeAll($dir)>
=head2 C<$kw->generateAll($dir)>
Output files will use the name of each input file, stripping any extension, and
forcing the name to uppercase. Rules in each file will be called:
@ -1060,7 +1236,7 @@ body for that word.
sub writeAll
sub generateAll
my $self = shift;
my @written;
@ -1070,19 +1246,62 @@ sub writeAll
foreach my $file (keys(%{$self->{'rules'}})) {
# Reserve GLOBAL for last
if ($file eq 'GLOBAL') {
next if ($file eq 'GLOBAL');
my %all;
foreach my $group (keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}})) {
if ($group eq 'SCORED' || $group eq 'COMMENTS') {
} else {
foreach my $word (@{$self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{$group}}) {
$all{$word} = $self->{'rules'}->{$file}->{'COMMENTS'}->{$word} || '';
$self->generateScored() unless ($self->{joinScores});
return 0;
=head2 C<$kw->writeFile($file)>
sub writeFile
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || return "Requires filename";
return "Nothing generated for $file" unless (defined($self->{'output'}->{$file}));
if (open(my $fh, ">", $file)) {
foreach my $line (@{$self->{'output'}->{$file}}) {
print $fh $line;
} else {
return "Could not open $file for writing";
=head2 C<$kw->writeAll()>
sub writeAll
my $self = shift;
$self->generateAll() unless (defined($self->{'output'}));
my @errors;
foreach my $file (keys(%{$self->{'output'}})) {
my $ret = $self->writeFile($file);
push(@errors, $ret) if (defined($ret));
return ("Errors:\n ".join("\n ", @errors)) if (scalar(@errors));
=head1 MORE
For discussion of the module and examples, see:
@ -1120,15 +1339,3 @@ E<lt><gt>
die "Please provide rules file(s) as an argument\n" unless (defined($ARGV[0]));
my @files;
my $files_ref = \@files;
getFiles($files_ref, @ARGV);
my %keywords;
my $key_ref = \%keywords;
readFiles($key_ref, @files);

View File

@ -20,26 +20,18 @@ my ( $missing, $extra, $incorrect ) = 0;
use Data::Dump;
foreach my $file (keys(%{$expected})) {
if ($file eq 'GLOBAL') {
my ($m, $e) = compareGroups(
my ($m, $e) = compareValues(
print("Missing $m words\n") if ($m);
print("$e extra words\n") if ($e);
print("Missing $m words in GLOBAL\n") if ($m);
print("$e extra words in GLOBAL\n") if ($e);
$missing += $m;
$extra += $e;
} else {
foreach my $group (keys(%{$expected->{$file}})) {
if ($group eq 'SCORED') {
my ($m, $e, $i) = compareScores(
$missing += $m;
$extra += $e;
$incorrect += $i;
} elsif ($group eq 'COMMENTS') {
my ($m, $e, $i) = compareScores(
if ($group eq 'SCORED' || $group eq 'COMMENTS') {
my ($m, $e, $i) = compareValues(
@ -47,7 +39,7 @@ foreach my $file (keys(%{$expected})) {
$extra += $e;
$incorrect += $i;
} else {
my ($m, $e) = compareGroups(
my ($m, $e) = compareLists(
@ -64,7 +56,7 @@ ok ($incorrect == 0, "No incorrect scores are found");
sub compareGroups
sub compareLists
my $expect = shift;
my $loaded = shift;
@ -75,7 +67,7 @@ sub compareGroups
while (scalar(@e)) {
unless (scalar(@l)) {
print("extra words @l\n");
print("extra words @e\n");
$extra += scalar(@e);
@ -106,7 +98,7 @@ sub compareGroups
return ($missing, $extra);
sub compareScores
sub compareValues
my $expect = shift;
my $loaded = shift;
@ -114,11 +106,11 @@ sub compareScores
my %remaining = %{$loaded};
my ($missing, $extra, $incorrect) = (0, 0, 0);
foreach my $word (keys(%$expect)) {
if (!defined($loaded->{$word})) {
print("Missing score assignment for $word\n");
if (!defined($loaded->{$word}) && defined($expect->{$word}) && $expect->{$word} != 0) {
print("Missing value assignment for $word\n");
} elsif ($expect->{$word} != $loaded->{$word}) {
print("Incorrect score assignment for $word\n");
print("Incorrect value assignment for $word\n");
} else {
@ -133,39 +125,39 @@ sub compareScores
sub getExpected
my %expected = (
'GLOBAL' => [
'' => {
'GLOBAL' => {
'lorem' => 't/',
'ipsum' => 't/',
'dolor' => 't/',
'sit' => 't/',
'amet' => 't/',
'consectetur' => 't/',
'adipiscing' => 't/',
'elit' => 't/',
'sed' => 't/',
'do' => 't/',
'eiusmod' => 't/',
'tempor' => 't/',
'minim' => 't/',
'veniam' => 't/',
'quis' => 't/',
'nostrud' => 't/',
'exercitation' => 't/',
'ullamco' => 't/',
'laboris' => 't/',
'nisi' => 't/',
'ut' => 't/',
'aliquip' => 't/',
'ex' => 't/',
'ea' => 't/',
'commodo' => 't/',
'consequat' => 't/',
'duis' => 't/',
'dolore' => 't/',
'eu' => 't/',
'fugiat' => 't/',
't/' => {
'SCORED' => {
'lorem' => 1,
'sit' => 1,
@ -219,7 +211,7 @@ sub getExpected
'group' => [
'GROUP' => [
@ -234,7 +226,7 @@ sub getExpected
'' => {
't/' => {
'SCORED' => {
'nostrud' => 1,
'laboris' => 1,
@ -262,7 +254,7 @@ sub getExpected
'group' => [
'GROUP' => [

t/05_write.t Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Basic test to ensure files can be found and read. Verification will come later
use Test::More;
use lib 'lib/';
use Mail::SpamAssassin::KeywordRuleGenerator;
my $id = '05';
my $kw = Mail::SpamAssassin::KeywordRuleGenerator->new( { 'id' => T.$id, 'debug' => 0, 'joinScores' => 0 } );
my $testdir = $ENV{'PWD'}.'/t/'.T.$id;
ok (!$kw->createDir($testdir), "Created output directory: '$ENV{'PWD'}/t/$id'");
ok ($kw->getDir() eq $testdir, "Set output directory: '$ENV{'PWD'}/t/$id'");
my @files = ( 't/', 't/' );
my @failed = @{$kw->readAll( @files )};
ok(!scalar(@failed), "Load 'rules' hash with readAll");
my @files = glob($testdir.'/*.cf');
ok (scalar(@files) == 6, "Correct number of files generated");
my %expected = (
'' => 169,
'' => 105,
'' => 148,
'' => 97,
'' => 60,
'' => 90
my %remaining = %expected;
foreach (@files) {
$e = $_;
$e =~ s/^(.*\/)?t\/T05\///;
if (open(my $fh, "<", $_)) {
while (<$fh>) {
ok ($expected{$e} == 0, "Correct number of lines found in $e");
ok (!scalar(keys(%remaining)), "All expected output files found");
use Mail::SpamAssassin;
my $sa = Mail::SpamAssassin->new( { 'site_rules_filename' => $testdir } );
$failed = $sa->lint_rules();
ok (!$failed, "Verified by spamassassin".($res ? "\n$failed" : ""));

t/T05/sa_plugins.pre Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Check