
895 lines
28 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
=head1 NAME
Mail::SpamAssassin::KeywordRuleGenerator - Generate SA rules for keywords
package Mail::SpamAssassin::KeywordRuleGenerator;
Generate SpamAssassin compatible configuration files given lists of keywords.
Implemented as a module largely for testing purposes.
use Mail::SpamAssassin::KeywordRuleGenerator;
my $kw = Mail::SpamAssassin::KeywordRuleGenerator->new($id);
Mail::SpamAssassin::KeywordRuleGenerator does what it says on the tin; it
generates SpamAssassin compatible configuration files to catch keywords that you
specify. Most simply, it can take in one or more properly formatted input files
(see FILES), generate rules for individual files (optional), as well as meta
rules for the counts for each set of keywords (ie. 1 of N hit; 2 of N hit...).
See RULES for more on how the rules are generated.
The sets of keywords can be broken up into groups (see GROUPS).
Requires C<spamassassin> executable and the following Perl modules
#use strict;
use warnings;
=head2 FILES
There are built-in functions to ingest formatted list files. See C<readFiles>
method. By default, the output file name and the rules therein will use a
stripped and capitalized version of those filenames.
$kw->readFiles( 'example.txt' );
This will creates rules formatted like:
and will output to the file:
See the C<writeFile> method for more information on this formatting. Also see
the C<new> method for discussion of the 'id'.
Finally, a like file:
Will be created with the scores for all of the rules in the prior file(s). The
C<join_scores> variable is true by default, creating the above file. If made
false, then will determine a unique score file will be created for each file.
Alternatively, C<append_scores> can be set to include the scores directly in the
config file with the rule definitions.
=head2 RULES
Two types of rules are created. One is a set of standalone keyword rules when a
score is provided for those words. This will create a meta rule for a simple
match in either the headers or body
header __ID_FILE_WORD_H /\bword\b/i
body __ID_FILE_WORD_B /\bword\b/i
describe ID_FILE_WORD Keyword 'word' found
score ID_FILE_WORD 1
The other is a set of counters for each group. These will add the same first
three component rules (or co-opt the ones already created for the standalone
rules). It will then add a rule for each number of possible matches within that
describe ID_FILE_GROUP_1 1 match in keyword group 'GROUP'
describe ID_FILE_GROUP_2 2 matches in keyword group 'GROUP'
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.01
our $VERSION = '0.01';
=head1 EXPORT
use Exporter qw(import);
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw( new );
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
'all' => [
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{all} } );
=head1 METHODS
Except for getter methods, all methods make changes directly within the context
object and only return errors. Thus, each call can be verified by checking that
it returned undef:
die "Failed to run 'method'\n" if($kw->method($arg));
my $err = $kw->method($arg);
die "Received $err\n" if ($err);
Getter methods will return the attribute or undef if it does not exist.
=head2 C<$kw = new( %args )>
Creates a new C<Mail::SpamAssassin::KeywordRuleGenerator> object and returns it.
C<$args> is an optional hash to assign any preliminary attributes or flags to
the object. See various 'get' and 'set' functions.
sub new
my ($class, $args) = @_;
my $self = $args;
=head3 Initial attributes
While other attributes will exist within the object during processing, those
which make sense to define up-front and which will not be overwritten by any of
the built-in functions (other than their associated getters) are:
=head3 id
id scalar
A short identifier which will be appending to all output files to allow
for easier recognition of the files' sources. Default: 'KW'
$self->{'id'} //= 'KW';
=head3 priority
priority scalar
Typically a number used to define the priority of the rules.
SpamAssassin will read configuration files in alphabetical order and the
last iteration of a configuration for the same rule will be used. This
means that the files read last will overwrite those read earlier. By
convention the number is used for easy sorting. Any leading aphabetical
character will be ordered after all numbers, and so given high priority.
Default: '50'
$self->{'priority'} //= 50;
=head3 debug
debug boolean
Enable (1) or disable (0) debugging output. Default: 0
$self->{'debug'} //= 0;
=head3 singleOutfile
singleOutfile boolean
Indicates whether output rules should all be added to a single file (1),
or to one file per input file (0). Note that this still requires
'joinScores' to have one file total. Default: 0
$self->{'singleOutfile'} //= 0;
=head3 joinScores
joinScores bootlean
Indicates whether to include the scores in the same file as their
associated rule definitions (1) or in a second file on their own (0).
The second file will simply append '_SCORES' to the file name (prior to
the '.cf'), unless overridden by C<$kw->setScoreFile($path)> or a second
path argument in C<$kw->setOutfile($rulePath, $scorePath)>. Default: 1
$self->{'joinScores'} //= 1;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=head2 C<$kw->getId()>
Getter for C<$kw->{'id'}>. 'id' is used for top-level rule names.
sub getId
my $self = shift;
if (defined($self->{'id'})) {
return $self->{'id'};
=head2 C<$kw->setId()>
Setter for C<$kw->{'id'}>
sub setId
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
if (defined($id)) {
$id = uc($id);
$self->{'id'} = $id || return "Failed to set $id";
} else {
return "No ID provided\n";
=head2 C<$kw->getPriority()>.
Getter for C<$kw->{'priority'}>. 'priority' value used for the output filepath
to indicate the load order. SpamAssassin reads in ascending order with later
iterations overriding earlier. The 'score' file will increment so that it comes
at the end.
sub getPriority
my $self = shift;
if (defined($self->{'priority'})) {
return $self->{'priority'};
=head2 C<$kw->setPriority()>
Setter for C<$kw->{'priority'}>.
sub setPriority
my $self = shift;
my $priority = shift;
if (defined($priority)) {
$path = uc($priority);
$self->{'priority'} = $priority || return "Failed to set priority: $priority";
} else {
return "No 'priority' provided\n";
=head2 C<$kw->getFile()>
Getter for C<$kw->{'file'}>. This is the name of the current output file being
processed. Not to be confused with C<readFile> or C<getOutfile>.
sub getFile
my $self = shift;
if (defined($self->{'file'})) {
return $self->{'file'};
=head2 C<$kw->setFile()>
Setter for C<$kw->{'file'}>.
sub setFile
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
if (defined($file)) {
$self->{'file'} = $file;
} else {
return "No File provided\n";
=head2 C<$kw->getOutfile()>
Getter for C<$kw->{'outfile'}>. 'outfile' represents the real filepath of the
output file which is currently being processed.
sub getOutfile
my $self = shift;
if (defined($self->{'outfile'})) {
return $self->{'outfile'};
=head2 C<$kw->setOutfile()>
Setter for C<$kw->{'outfile'}>. Can be defined manually with a scalar argument,
otherwise the path is constructed from the existing attributes.
sub setOutfile
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
if (defined($path)) {
$self->{'outfile'} = $path || return "Failed to set $path";
} else {
if ($self->{'singleOutfile'}) {
$self->{'outfile'} = $self->{'priority'} .
'_' . uc($self->{'id'}) .
} else {
my $file = $self->{'file'};
$file =~ s/\//_/g; # Change dir slashes to _
$file =~ s/(\.[^\.]*)$//g; # Remove extensions
$file = uc($file); # Convert to uppercase for rule names
$self->{'outfile'} = $self->{'priority'} .
'_' . uc($self->{'id'}) .
'_' . $file .
=head2 C<$kw->getFiles($regex);>
Simple recursive search for files within a directory. Will validate that each
file is readable and return an array of file names.
Expects a single file or directory path scalar as first argument and an optional
regex as the secord. If you have multiple entries to fetch, run separately and
append to your array.
The regex will be used as a file filter and will only return files that match.
sub getFiles
my $self = shift;
my $regex = shift;
my $return = '';
foreach (@args) {
$return .= "$_ does not exist\n" unless (-e "$_" || -l "$_");
if (-l $_) {
} elsif (-d $_) {
my @recursive = glob($_."/*");
} else {
if (defined($regex)) {
if ($_ =~ $regex) {
push(@{$self->{'files_ref'}}, $_);
} else {
} else {
$return .= "$_ is not readable\n" unless (-r "$_");
push(@{$self->{'files_ref'}}, $_);
return $return;
=head2 C<$kw->nextFile();>
Shift next message in files_ref queue to current.
sub nextFile
my $self = shift;
if (scalar(@{$self->{'files_ref'}})) {
$self->{'path'} = shift(@{$self->{'files_ref'}});
} else {
return "End of array\n";
return 0;
=head2 C<$kw->clearFiles();>
Clear the current file reference queue.
sub clearFiles
my $self = shift;
delete($self->{'rules'}) || return "Failed to delete rules hash\n";
return 0;
=head2 C<$kw->readFile(%args);>
Read in properly formatted keyword list file. The basic format is one keyword
per line, an optional score, and an optional list of 'groups'.
So, the minimum is just one word per line:
When the score is omitted, it will not have a standalone score. It will be used
solely as part of a keyword group.
When keyword groups are omitted, that keyword defaults to just the 'LOCAL' group
(see GROUPS).
Examples with other combinations are:
word 0 # Same as previous
word 2 # Used for LOCAL, not GLOBAL, scores 2
word GROUP # GROUP group, not LOCAL, not GLOBAL, no score
word 0 GROUP # Same as previous
word 1 GROUP GLOBAL LOCAL # GROUP group, in GLOBAL, in LOCAL, scores 1
C<%args> can be used to override the attributes used to index the rules,
including the id, file
This function intentionally does not iterate through the files queue so that you
can step through and make modifications as you go.
sub readFile
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || return 'No file provided';
my %args = @_;
$self->{'file'} = $file;
my $n = 0;
if (open(my $fh, '<', $file)) {
my $rules = 0;
while (<$fh>) {
# Ignore blank lines and comments
if ($_ =~ m/^\s*$/ || $_ =~ m/^#/) {
# Verify formatting
} elsif (my ($word, $score, $comment, @groups) = $self->readLine($_)) {
if ($self->{'debug'}) {
print "FOUND: '$word' '$score' " . (join(',',@groups)) . "\n";
foreach my $group (@groups) {
if ($group eq 'GLOBAL') {
push(@{$self->{'rules'}->{'GLOBAL'}}, $word);
} else {
push(@{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'outfile'}}->{$group}}, $word);
$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'outfile'}}->{'SCORED'}->{$word} = $score if ($score);
$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'outfile'}}->{'COMMENTS'}->{$word} = $comment if ($comment);
} elsif ($self->{debug}) {
print STDERR "ERROR: Invalid input in $file, line $n: $_\n";
print STDERR "No rules found in $file\n" unless ($self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'outfile'}} || !$self->{'debug'});
return "No rules found in $file\n" unless ($self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'outfile'}});
} else {
return "Failed to read $file";
return undef;
=head2 C<$kw->readAll();>
Loops through C<readFile> for all files in the queue.
sub readAll
my $self = shift;
my @files = ( shift ) || return "No files provided\n";
while (scalar(@_)) {
push(@files, shift);
my @failed;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if (!-e $file) {
push(@failed, $file);
print STDERR "$file does not exist\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
} elsif (-l $file) {
# Accept only links within PWD
my $dest = readlink($file);
if ($dest =~ m/^\//) {
$dest =~ s/$ENV{'PWD'}\/// ;
if ($dest eq readlink($file)) {
push(@failed, $file);
print STDERR "Symlink outside of PWD $file\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
} elsif (-f $file) {
push(@failed, "Failed to read $file") if $self->readFile($file);
} elsif (-d $file) {
push(@failed, @_) if $self->readAll(glob($file.'/*'));
# Bash pattern?
} else {
if (my @glob = glob($file)) {
push(@failed, ( @_ )) if $self->readAll(@glob);
} else {
print STDERR "Bad file $file\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
return @failed if (scalar(@failed));
return undef;
=head2 C<$kw->readLine($line)>
Reads a line from a configuration file and returns the relevant values or undef
if the line is not properly formatted.
sub readLine
my $self = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $invalid = shift;
my ($word, $score, $comment, @groups);
if (my @sections = $line =~ m/(?:^|\s+)(?:([^\d\s#]\S+)|(\d+(?:\.\d+)?\b)|([^\d\s#]+)|(#.*$))/g) {
while (@sections) {
next unless my $section = shift(@sections);
if (defined($comment)) {
$comment .= ' ' if ($comment ne '');
$comment .= $section;
} elsif (!defined($word) && $section =~ m/^([^\d\s#]\S+)$/) {
$word = $section;
} elsif (defined($word) && $section =~ m/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)$/ && !defined($score)) {
$score = $section;
} elsif (defined($word) && $section =~ m/^([^\d\s#]+)$/) {
push(@groups, $section);
} elsif (defined($word) && $section =~ m/^#.*$/ && !defined($comment)) {
$comment = $section;
$comment =~ s/^#\s*//;
} else {
push(@invalid, $section);
if (scalar(@invalid)) {
if ($self->{'debug'}) {
print("Invalid clauses: '".join("', ", @invalid)."' in '$line'\n");
return undef;
return undef unless ($word);
$word = lc($word);
$score //= 0;
$comment //= '';
@groups = ( 'LOCAL', 'GLOBAL' ) unless (scalar(@groups));
return ( $word, $score, $comment, @groups );
return ();
=head2 C<$kw->joinRules(%rules)>
Merge rules hash into working output hash. Generally called from C<readFile>,
but if you want to add rules manually, it will require the following format:
'word' => {
'score' => 0,
'groups' => ( 'LOCAL' )
'other' => {
'score' => 1,
'groups' => ( 'GLOBAL', 'group' )
The main context object will provide the working 'ID', 'FILE' and other
attributes necessary to nest these rules in the existing hash.
sub joinRules
my $self = shift;
my %rules = @_;
if ($self->{'unified'}) {
$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{$self->{'file'}}->{'out'} = $self->{'priority'}.'_'.$self->{'id'}.'.cf';
} else {
$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{$self->{'file'}}->{'out'} = $self->{'priority'}.'_'.$self->{'id'}.'_'.$self->{'file'}.'.cf';
foreach my $word (keys(%rules)) {
my $score = $rules{$word}{'score'} || 0;
my @groups = $rules{$word}{'groups'} || ( 'GLOBAL' );
if ($score) {
$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{$self->{'file'}}->{'words'}->{$word} = $score;
foreach my $group (@groups) {
if ($group eq 'GLOBAL') {
if (scalar(keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{'GLOBAL'}}))) {
push(@{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{'GLOBAL'}}, $word);
} else {
$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{'GLOBAL'} = ( $word );
if (scalar(keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{$self->{'file'}}->{'groups'}->{$group}}))) {
push(@{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{$self->{'file'}}->{'groups'}->{$group}}, $word);
} else {
$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{$self->{'file'}}->{'groups'}->{$group} = ( $word );
return 0;
=head2 C<$kw->processMetas($outfile, $file);>
Create all of the component meta rules for the declared C<$file>. Those that
will be used for the standalone and count rules. Output to C<$outfile>. This
must be run before the other process methods and must be run for 'GLOBAL' first,
otherwise output will be invalid. Meta rules for file-specific words will not be
generated if they are also in the 'GLOBAL' group, instead the meta rules from
the 'GLOBAL' file will be used for the count rules in all other files. This
will prevent duplicates, but also requires that you not rename output files such
that the they appear before the 'GLOBAL' file (without '_C<$file>' at the end).
sub processMetas
my $self = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $rules = shift;
my $prefix = $self->{'id'};
my @words;
if ($file eq 'GLOBAL') {
@words = @{$rules->{'GLOBAL'}};
} else {
$prefix .= "_".$file;
foreach (keys(%{$rules->{$file}->{'groups'}})) {
next if (grep {/^$_$/} @{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{'GLOBAL'}});
foreach (keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{$self->{'file'}}->{'words'}})) {
next if (grep {/^$_$/} @{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{'GLOBAL'}});
next if (grep {/^$_$/} @words);
push (@words, $_);
foreach my $word (@words) {
$self->{'output'}->{$outfile} .=
"body\t__".$prefix."_".uc($word)."_BODY\t/\\b".$word."\\b/\n" .
"header\t__".$prefix."_".uc($word)."_SUBJ\tSubject =~ /\\b".$word."\\b/\n" .
"meta\t__".$prefix."_".uc($word)."\t( __".$prefix."_".uc($word)."_BODY || __".$prefix."_".uc($word)."_SUBJ )\n\n";
=head2 C<$kw->processWords($outfile,%args);>
Take a list of words with scores and add them to C<$outfile>.
sub processWords
my $self = shift;
my $out = shift;
=head2 C<$kw->processGroup(%args);>
Take a single group, including 'GLOBAL' and add it to C<$outfile>.
sub processGroup
my $self = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@all); $i++) {
$files->{$self->{'priority'}.'_'.$self->{'id'}.'cf'} .=
"meta\t".$self->{'id'}."_".$i."\t( ".join(' + ',@all)." ) > $i\n" .
"describe\tMatched ".($i+1)."of keywords: ".join(', ',@{$self->{'rules'}->{$self->{'id'}}->{'GLOBAL'}})."\n\n";
=head2 C<$kw->processAll(%args);>
Process all groups.
sub processAll
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
$self->{'output'} = {};
foreach my $id (keys(%{$self->{'rules'}})) {
foreach my $file (keys(%{$self->{'rules'}->{$id}})) {
=head2 C<$kw->writeFiles($out_dir)>
Output files will use the name of each input file, stripping any extension, and
forcing the name to uppercase. Rules in each file will be called:
ID - Meaningful identifier. From C<$kw->new($id)>, or with C<$kw->id($id)>.
FILENAME- Trimmed input file name. Override with C<$kw->file($file)>. Absent
WORD - The individual keyword. Used only if it has a independent score.
GROUP - The group name. Absent for 'LOCAL'.
1 - The count for hits in that group.
For each scoring rule above, there will be constituent meta rules for each
keyword, as well as further consituent rules to match both the subject and the
body for that word.
sub writeFiles
my $self = shift;
foreach my $out (keys(%{$self->{'rules'}})) {
unless ($self->{'joinScores'}) {
$file =~ s/(.*)\.cf/$;
print STDERR $self->{'scores'};
if (open(my $fh, '>', $out)) {
print $fh $self->{'output'}->{$out};
} else {
print STDERR "Failed to write $out\n";
return 0;
=head1 MORE
For discussion of the module and examples, see:
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 BUGS
Report issues to:
=head1 AUTHOR
John Mertz <>
Mail::SpamAssassin::KeywordRuleGenerator is distributed under the Apache License
Version 2.0, as described in this file and the file C<LICENSE> included with the
If possible, the latest version of this library will be made available from CPAN
as well as:
die "Please provide rules file(s) as an argument\n" unless (defined($ARGV[0]));
my @files;
my $files_ref = \@files;
getFiles($files_ref, @ARGV);
my %keywords;
my $key_ref = \%keywords;
readFiles($key_ref, @files);