Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

This commit is contained in:
John Mertz 2022-11-04 11:09:07 -04:00
commit abc0b9f097
11 changed files with 339 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# TODO replace `zenity` with `wofi`
# Required settings

sway/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
swaymsg "[pid=$(echo $ALACRITTY_LOG | sed -E 's/\/tmp\/Alacritty-(.*)\.log/\1/')] urgent enable"

sway/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#!/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import json
def handle_container(con):
Recursively find all windows
windows = []
if 'app_id' in con.keys():
app_id = con['id']
app_name = con['app_id'] if con['app_id'] else con['window_properties']['class']
app_title = con['name']
windows.append((app_id, app_name, app_title,))
for child in con['nodes']:
windows = windows + handle_container(child)
return windows
tree = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(['swaymsg', '-t', 'get_tree']))
windows = []
# Find all workspaces and the windows in them
for output in tree['nodes']:
for workspace in output['nodes']:
if 'nodes' not in workspace.keys():
for container in workspace['nodes']:
windows = windows + handle_container(container)
for container in workspace['floating_nodes']:
windows = windows + handle_container(container)
# Format the list of windows for dmenu/rofi
windows_string = '\n'.join([f"<{app_id}> {app_name} --- {app_title}" for app_id, app_name, app_title in windows])
# Call rofi and move focus to the selected window
selection = subprocess.check_output(['wofi', '-s', '/home/jpm/.dotfiles/wofi/style.css', '-c', '/home/jpm/.dotfiles/wofi/sidebar', '-d'], input=windows_string, universal_newlines=True)
window_id = selection.split(' ')[0][1:-1]['swaymsg', f"[con_id=\"{window_id}\"]", 'focus'])

sway/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
flatpak run com.github.Eloston.UngoogledChromium --app=""

View File

@ -1,50 +1,76 @@
FADE_TIMEOUT=60 # one minute
DIM_TIMEOUT=120 # two minutes
LOCK_TIMEOUT=300 # five minutes
DPMS_TIMEOUT=600 # ten minutes
SUSPEND_TIMEOUT=3600 # one hour
function usage()
echo "usage: $0 <option>
start - Initialize 'swayidle' script. This should be declared in Sway config.
stop - Kill 'swayidle' script. Consider idle-inhibitor instead.
fade - First idle action. Fades all windows to show background.
unfade - Restore opacity for faded windows.
dim - Reduce display brightness to minimum.
undim - Restore brightness to level prior to 'dim'.
lock - Mark as inactive and start 'swaylock'.
unlock - (Run upon unlock) Mark as active again.
sleep - Disable displays, but continue background processes.
wake - Re-enable displays.
suspend - Hibernate.
help - This message."
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "Missing argument: start, warn, lock, unlock, sleep, wake, or resume"
echo "Missing argument"
elif [ $1 == "-h" ] || [ $1 == "--help" ] || [ $1 == "help" ]; then
elif [ $1 == "start" ]; then
swayidle -w timeout 270 "/home/jpm/scripts/sway/ warn" \
resume "/home/jpm/scripts/sway/ resume" \
timeout 300 "/home/jpm/scripts/sway/ sleep" \
resume "/home/jpm/scripts/sway/ wake" \
before-sleep "/usr/bin/swaylock -c 000000"
elif [ $1 == "warn" ]; then
# Store current brightness
echo $(/home/jpm/scripts/thinkpad/ %) > $BLFILE
# Dim display
/home/jpm/scripts/thinkpad/ = 1
# Warning notifications
swayidle -w \
timeout $FADE_TIMEOUT "$0 fade" \
resume "$0 unfade" \
timeout $DIM_TIMEOUT "$0 dim" \
resume "$0 undim" \
timeout $LOCK_TIMEOUT "$0 lock" \
resume "$0 unlock" \
timeout $DPMS_TIMEOUT "$0 sleep" \
resume "$0 wake" \
timeout $SUSPEND_TIMEOUT "$0 suspend"
elif [ $1 == "stop" ]; then
pkill swayidle
elif [ $1 == "fade" ]; then
$HOME/scripts/sway/ start
elif [ $1 == "unfade" ]; then
$HOME/scripts/sway/ stop
elif [ $1 == "dim" ]; then
echo $($HOME/scripts/thinkpad/ %) > $BLFILE
$HOME/scripts/thinkpad/ = 1 &>-
elif [ $1 == "undim" ]; then
$HOME/scripts/thinkpad/ = `cat $BLFILE` &>-
elif [ $1 == "lock" ]; then
echo $(/home/jpm/scripts/thinkpad/ %) > $BLFILE
/home/jpm/scripts/thinkpad/ = 1
ssh -i /home/jpm/.ssh/no_pass -t \
'screen -S irssi -X stuff "/nick jpmAFK^M"'
elif [ $1 == "unlock" ]; then
/home/jpm/scripts/thinkpad/ = `cat $BLFILE`
elif [ $1 == "sleep" ]; then
# Change nick to AFK
ssh -i /home/jpm/.ssh/no_pass -t \
'screen -S irssi -X stuff "/nick jpmAFK^M"'
# Turn off monitor
#for i in `cat $OPFILE`; do swaymsg "output $i dpms off"; done
#ssh -i /home/jpm/.ssh/no_pass -t \
#'screen -S irssi -X stuff "/nick jpmAFK^M"'
elif [ $1 == "unlock" ]; then
# Change nick to AFK
#ssh -i /home/jpm/.ssh/no_pass -t \
#'screen -S irssi -X stuff "/nick jpm^M"'
elif [ $1 == "sleep" ]; then
for i in `cat $OPFILE`; do swaymsg "output $i dpms off"; done
elif [ $1 == "wake" ]; then
# Kill additional counters that might have been started
/home/jpm/scripts/sway/ resume
# Restore output(s)
#for i in `cat $OPFILE`; do swaymsg "output $i dpms on"; done
# Lock screen
swaylock -c 000000
# Restore brightness level
/home/jpm/scripts/thinkpad/ = $(cat $BLFILE)
elif [ $1 == "resume" ]; then
# Kill warning
for i in `pkill idlecountdown`; do kill $i; done
/home/jpm/scripts/thinkpad/ = $(cat $BLFILE)
elif [ $1 == "suspend" ]; then
sudo systemctl start
echo "Invalid argument: start, warn, lock, unlock, sleep, wake, or resume"
echo "Invalid argument: $1"

sway/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use Gtk2::Notify -init, "Idle";
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday usleep );
my $start = [gettimeofday];
my $now = sprintf("%.0f",($start->[0]*1000) + ($start->[1]/1000));
my $end = $now + 30000;
while ($now < $end) {
my $remaining = ($end - $now);
my $notification = Gtk2::Notify::new('Idle', sprintf("%.0f",($remaining/1000)), '', "status_lock");
$now = utime( undef, undef );
$start = [gettimeofday];
$now = sprintf("%.0f",($start->[0]*1000) + ($start->[1]/1000));

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
for i in `seq 0 30`; do
notify-send -t 999 "Sleeping" $(expr 30 - $i); sleep 1
notify-send -a 'swayidle' -t 999 "Sleeping" $(expr 30 - $i); sleep 1

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
rm $HOME/.swaylog
echo sway > $HOME/.spool/last_login_gui
<<<<<<< HEAD
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~/.ssh/ssh-agent.sock
export SWAYSOCK="$HOME/.spool/sway-ipc.sock"
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM="wayland-egl;wayland;xcb"
@ -21,3 +22,10 @@ export "$( gnome-keyring-daemon --start )"
#WLR_RENDERER=vulkan sway --debug 2>> $HOME/.swaylog >> $HOME/.swaylog
WLR_RENDERER=gles2 sway --debug 2>> $HOME/.swaylog >> $HOME/.swaylog; export SWAYSOCK=`sway --get-socketpath`
export SWAYSOCK="$HOME/.spool/sway-ipc.sock"
#WLR_RENDERER=vulkan sway --debug 2>> $HOME/.swaylog >> $HOME/.swaylog
WLR_RENDERER=gles2 $HOME/build/sway/build/sway/sway --debug 2>> $HOME/.swaylog >> $HOME/.swaylog
export SWAYSOCK=`sway --get-socketpath`
systemctl --user stop wallpapers.service
>>>>>>> master

sway/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
our $debug = 1; # For testing, will output configuration and errors if true
use AnyEvent::Sway;
our $s = AnyEvent::Sway->new();
our $o = $s->get_outputs->recv();
die "No outputs detected.\n" unless (scalar(@$o) > 1);
sub usage()
print("$0 [value] [-p|--plus] [-m|--minus] [-a x|--attribute=x] [-d N|--delay=N]
Fade the opacity of one or more windows via the Sway IPC interface.\n
value The target opacity or offset between 0 (full transparency) and 1
(fully opaque). Change will be made in increments of 0.01 with a
delay between each.\n
--attribute=x Attribute of window(s) to fade.
-a x Default: [title="*"]\n
--plus Increases opacity by increment instead of setting it directly
-p to that increment.\n
--minus Decreases opacity by increment instead of setting it directly
-m to that increment.\n
--delay=N Change the delay in ms between each percentage point change in
-d N opacity. Default: 20\n
--help This menu
sub set_opacity
my $attribute = shift || return "No target or image provided";
my $target = shift || return "No image provided";
# TODO get fallback from javascript
my $cmd = "output $attribute opacity $target";
print "Running $cmd\n";
my $ret = $s->message(0,$cmd)->recv;
if ($ret->[0]->{success}) {
print "Success!\n";
return undef;
return "Failed to run Sway IPC command '$cmd'";
my @targets;
my $daemon = 0;
my $delay = 300;
my $crop = 1;
my $path;
while (my $arg = shift(@ARGV)) {
if ($arg eq '-h' || $arg eq '--help') {
} elsif ($arg =~ m/^\-\-path=?(.+)$/) {
die "Redundant argument '$arg'. Wallpaper path already set.\n" if ($path);
$path = $1;
} elsif ($arg eq '-p') {
die "Redundant argument '$arg'. Wallpaper path already set.\n" if ($path);
$path = shift(@ARGV);
} elsif ($arg =~ m/^\-\-daemon=?(.+)$/) {
die "Redundant argument '$arg'. Daemon mode already set.\n" if ($daemon);
$delay = $1;
$daemon = 1;
} elsif ($arg eq '-d') {
die "Redundant argument '$arg'. Daemon mode already set.\n" if ($daemon);
if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^\d+$/) {
$delay = shift(@ARGV);
$daemon = 1;
} elsif ($arg eq '--nocrop' || $arg eq '-') {
die "Redundant argument '$arg'. No-crop already set.\n" unless ($crop);
} else {
die "Invalid rotation delay: $delay" unless ($delay =~ m/^\d+$/);
if ($path) {
die "Invalid wallpaper path '$path'. Not a directory." unless (-d $path);
} else {
$path = "$ENV{HOME}/wallpapers";
if (scalar(@targets)) {
my @kept;
foreach my $t (@targets) {
my $hit = 0;
foreach (@$o) {
if ($_->{name} eq $t) {
push(@kept, $t);
print STDERR "Requested output '$t' not found\n" unless ($hit);
die "None of the requested outputs are active" unless (scalar(@kept));
@targets = @kept;
if ($daemon) {
my $p = fork();
if ($p) {
print "Daemonized as PID: $p\n";
if ($debug) {
print "Initial configuration:\n";
print " Targets: ( " . ( join(" ",@targets) || "All active" ) . " )\n";
print " Daemon: $daemon\n";
print " Path: $path\n";
my @e;
do {
my @err;
# Local copy of targets so that it will re-check active every time
my @t = @targets;
unless (scalar(@t)) {
@t = get_active();
push(@err, "No target outputs") unless (scalar(@t));
foreach my $a (@t) {
my $image = choose_image($path);
if (defined($image)) {
if ( -r "$image" ) {
print "selected $image\n";
my $cropped;
if ($crop) {
if ($debug) {
print "Cropping image for '$a' using '$image'\n";
my ($ow, $oh) = get_size($a);
$cropped = crop($image, $ow, $oh);
unless ($cropped) {
push(@err, "Failed to generate cropped image") unless ($cropped);
} else {
$cropped = $image;
my $e = set_background($a,$cropped);
push(@err, $e) if (defined($e));
if ($crop) {
print "Deleting $cropped\n";
#unlink($cropped) || push(@err, "Failed to delete $cropped after setting: $!");
} else {
push(@err, "$a: Unable to read image $image");
} else {
push(@err, "$a: Unable to select image from $path");
if ($debug && $daemon) {
print STDERR join("\n",@err);
} else {
@e = @err;
} while ($daemon);
if (scalar(@e)) {
die "Failure while not running as daemon:\n" .

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
function count() {
RESULTS="`rpm-ostree upgrade --check 2> /dev/null | grep 'rpm-md repo' | cut -d: -f3`;"
RESULTS="`rpm-ostree upgrade --check 2> /dev/null | grep Diff: | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/'`"
for i in $RESULTS; do
i=`echo $i | sed 's/;//'`

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ swaymsg -t get_tree |
sed -e 's/^.*\-\- \(.*\)$/\1/' |
sed -e 's/^\(.*\) [—-] .*$/\1/'|
sed -e 's/^\([0-9]*\)\t*\(.*\)/\2 \1/' |
<<<<<<< HEAD
wofi -s $HOME/.dotfiles/wofi/style.css -c \
$HOME/.dotfiles/wofi/sidebar -d | {
read -r
@ -12,3 +13,10 @@ swaymsg -t get_tree |
swaymsg "[con_id=$id]" focus
echo $id $REPLY
wofi -I -s /home/jpm/.dotfiles/wofi/style.css -c \
$HOME/.dotfiles/wofi/sidebar --show dmenu | {
read -r id name
swaymsg "[con_id=$id]" focus
>>>>>>> master