#!/usr/bin/env bash # Modified from: https://github.com/fourstepper/wofi-wifi-menu # Starts a scan of available broadcasting SSIDs # nmcli dev wifi rescan DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" FIELDS=SECURITY,SSID # Gives a list of known connections so we can parse it later KNOWNCON=$(nmcli connection show) # Really janky way of telling if there is currently a connection CONSTATE=$(nmcli -fields WIFI g) CURRSSID=$(LANGUAGE=C nmcli -t -f active,ssid dev wifi | awk -F: '$1 ~ /^yes/ {print $2}') LIST=$(nmcli --fields "$FIELDS" device wifi list | sort | uniq | sed -r '/^SECURITY *SSID/d' | sed '/ --/d' | sed "/$CURRSSID/d" | sed -r 's/((WPA[123]|WEP) )+ */ /g') if [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "enabled" ]]; then TOGGLE="toggle off" elif [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "disabled" ]]; then TOGGLE="toggle on" fi HEIGHT=$(swaymsg -t get_outputs | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/ */ /g' | sed -e 's/\(.*"focused": [a-z]*\),/\1\n/' | less | grep '"focused": true' | sed -e 's/.*"rect": {[^}]*"height": \([0-9]*\).*/\1/') CURR='' if [ ! -z "$CURRSSID" ]; then CURR=" $CURRSSID\n" fi CHENTRY=$(echo -e "${TOGGLE}\nmanual\n${CURR}${LIST}" | uniq -u | ${HOME}/.local/bin/tofi --prompt-text "Wi-Fi: " --height $HEIGHT --width 340 -c $HOME/.dotfiles/tofi/sidebar.toml) if [[ $CHENTRY == "" ]]; then exit fi CHSSID=$(echo "$CHENTRY" | sed -e 's/\([]\) //g' | sed -e 's/ *$//g') # If the user inputs "manual" as their SSID in the start window, it will bring them to this screen if [ "$CHENTRY" = "manual" ] ; then # Manual entry of the SSID and password (if appplicable) MSSID=$(echo "enter the SSID of the network (SSID,password)" | ${HOME}/.local/bin/tofi --prompt-text "Password" --height $HEIGHT --width 340 -c $HOME/.dotfiles/tofi/sidebar.toml) # Separating the password from the entered string MPASS=$(echo "$MSSID" | awk -F "," '{print $2}') # If the user entered a manual password, then use the password nmcli command if [ "$MPASS" = "" ]; then nmcli dev wifi con "$MSSID" else nmcli dev wifi con "$MSSID" password "$MPASS" fi elif [ "$CHENTRY" = "toggle on" ]; then nmcli radio wifi on elif [ "$CHENTRY" = "toggle off" ]; then nmcli radio wifi off else if grep -q "$CHSSID" <<< `echo $KNOWNCON`; then nmcli con up "$CHSSID" else if [[ "$CHENTRY" =~ "" ]]; then WIFIPASS=$(echo "" | ${HOME}/.local/bin/tofi --prompt-text "Password" --height $HEIGHT --width 340 -c $HOME/.dotfiles/tofi/sidebar.toml) if [[ $WIFIPASS == "if connection is stored, hit enter" ]]; then unset WIFIPASS fi fi nmcli dev wifi con "$CHSSID" password "$WIFIPASS" fi fi