#!/usr/bin/env bash FIELDS=SSID,SECURITY,ACTIVE if [ -r "${HOME}/.dotfiles/rofi/wifi.rasi" ]; then source "${HOME}/.dotfiles/rofi/wifi.rasi" fi CURRSSID=$(LANGUAGE=C nmcli -t -f active,bssid dev wifi | awk -F: '$1 ~ /^yes/ {print $2}') LIST=$(nmcli --fields "$FIELDS" device wifi list | sed '/^--/d' | sed 's/no/ /' | sed 's/yes/* /') # Gives a list of known connections so we can parse it later KNOWNCON=$(nmcli connection show) # Really janky way of telling if there is currently a connection CONSTATE=$(nmcli -fields WIFI g) if [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "enabled" ]]; then TOGGLE="Toggle Off" elif [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "disabled" ]]; then TOGGLE="Toggle On" fi CHENTRY=$(echo -e "${TOGGLE}\nManual\n${LIST}" | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Wi-Fi SSID: " "" -width 45 -l 1 -theme ${HOME}/.dotfiles/rofi/sidebar.rasi) # If the user inputs "manual" as their SSID in the start window, it will bring them to this screen if [ "$CHENTRY" = "manual" ] ; then # # Manual entry of the SSID and password MSSID=$(echo "enter the SSID of the network (SSID,password)" | rofi -dmenu -p "Manual Entry: " "" -width 45 -l 1 -theme ${HOME}/.dotfiles/rofi/sidebar.rasi) MPASS=$(echo "$MSSID" | cut -d',' -f2-) MSSID=$(echo "$MSSID" | cut -d',' -f1) # If the user entered a manual password, then use the password nmcli command if [ "$MPASS" = "" ]; then nmcli dev wifi con "$MSSID" else nmcli dev wifi con "$MSSID" password "$MPASS" fi elif [ "$CHENTRY" = "Toggle On" ]; then nmcli radio wifi on elif [ "$CHENTRY" = "Toggle Off" ]; then nmcli radio wifi off else # If the connection is already in use, then this will still be able to get the SSID CHSSID=$(echo "$CHENTRY" | sed 's/ .*//') CURRSSID=$(echo "$CHENTRY" | grep '\*') if [ -n "$CURRSSID" ]; then nmcli con down "$CHSSID" else # Request password if required if [[ "$CHENTRY" =~ "WPA2" ]] || [[ "$CHENTRY" =~ "WEP" ]]; then # Automatically connect to known network if grep -q "^$CHSSID" <<< "$KNOWNCON"; then nmcli con up "$CHSSID" else WIFIPASS=$(echo "Password" | rofi -dmenu -p "Password: " "" -width 45 -l 1 -theme "${HOME}"/.dotfiles/rofi/sidebar.rasi) # Attempt to connect with known password if none provided (should fail) if [[ "$WIFIPASS" == "Password" ]]; then nmcli dev wifi connect "$CHSSID" # Connect with password else nmcli dev wifi con "$CHSSID" password "$WIFIPASS" fi fi # Connect to unprotected wifi else RET=$(nmcli dev wifi connect "$CHSSID") # Offer to open VPN menu if [[ "$RET" =~ 'successfully activated' ]] && grep -qP "(wg|tun)0" <<< "$(ip addr)"; then swaynag --message "This is public Wi-Fi and you are not using your VPN." -z "Open VPN settings?" "${HOME}/scripts/rofi/rofi-openvpn.sh" fi fi fi fi